Mind Games

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Lauren's POV
*the next morning*

"Hey everyone I'm back!", I called out once I've arrived through the door.

"Chris! Taylor! Stop hiding you dorks! ", I laughed.

I ran upstairs to greet my siblings. I reached up to Taylor's room and I poked my head inside, scanning the room.

"Hallo?", I said.

No one there.

"Hmm.", I hummed. I heard weird music that seemed to come from Chris' room.

"Hey guys I-", I drew out the last word and didn't finish my sentence.

No one here either.

"Where's the noise coming from then?", I said to myself.

"Chris? Taylor? Where are you guys? And where's Tyrone?", I called out.

No answer. I scanned the upstairs rooms making sure they weren't being sneaky and hiding from me. I searched every room and every possible place to hide. None of them had held the places where my siblings nor Ty could be.

"Y'all this better not be some game or a prank. C'mon out.", I called out again.

No answer.

"I'ma kick there asses if they come out jumping at me.", I grumbled as I made my way downstairs.

I walked down the hall, about to turn right to enter the leaving room when I noticed on the wall that were scratch marks indented on the walls. I ran my head against it cautiously. What the fuck happened here? I turned around to the other wall. Nothing wrong with it.

I went into the living room only to see... him.

I gasped at the horrifying sight I saw. There was blood everywhere. My brother had the hugest glass shard that was shoved in his face, his lifeless body just standing there. My sister was chained next to the fire place, she had duct tape on her mouth and blood spilled helplessly out of her sensitive core. Then I turned to where Mike was standing.

He's evil, sinister smile, his psychotic eyes, just looking straight at me. Looking deeply into my soul. Mike held Tyrone with his bare hands. Ty bled from his nose, his left leg seemed broken, he had deep cuts inflicted everywhere on his body, and a huge throbbing black eye.

"What... how... why are you... I don't.... w-what the FUCK DID YOU DO?!", I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Did you really think they were gonna have me in that institution for long?", he questioned.

"How the hell did you get out of there?!", I screamed.

"It's simple. I always get my way Lauren. ", he said, smiling at me.

"I fucking hate you!", I yelled. Tears falling as I saw what was my family, completely broken.

"Oh Lauren. When will you learn? You're actions have consequences.", he added darkly.

He slapped Ty across his face.

"What the hell are you talking about?", I asked him. My heart breaking from seeing the abuse Ty was receiving.

"You know exactly what. You're the reason we got into the car crash, your the reason my wife and your mother died, your the reason you get abused, your the reason I did all this shit! Yeah I killed my son YOUR brother. I don't care. I just raped MY youngest daughter. I don't care. I'm beating the crap out of YOUR boyfriend. I don't care. I don't care about any of you.", Mike claimed.

"Then why the fuck are you still here?! If you hate us so goddamn much why don't you just leave?!", I yelled for clarification.

I scanned the room again. My tears turning into sobs.

The Abused and The Hurt//Camren//(COMPLETED)#Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now