A New World

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Camila's POV
*a week later*

"Oh Camilaaa.", Dinah called in a song-like tone.

I looked up from my picture I was working on and saw Dinah smirking down at me.

"Uh Dj? What's going on?", I questioned.

"Oh nothing I just thought you'd like to see a friend of mine.", she smiled.

I quirked an eyebrow at her. She moved out of the way and revealed the adoring green eyed girl that I've grown to love.

"Hey baby.", Lauren beamed.

"Babe!", I yelled happily and ran towards her. Hugging her tightly.

She wrapped her arms securely around my waist and held me close. She kissed the top of my head and cheek.

"I didn't know you were coming to see me today.", I mumbled against her chest.

"Well I have a surprise for you. I'm sure you'll love it.", she smiled and picked my chin up so I can look at her.

"What's a surprise?", I asked.

"It's like something unexpected.", Dinah explained to me.

"Then how come you know about it?", I asked Lauren.

She smiles "Because I planned it.", she gets smacked in the back of the head by Dinah. "And with the consent of Dinah... ow", she groaned as she rubbed the back of her head.

"You're in on this?", I asked the Polynesian.

"Yup. I know it's been so long that your always trapped here in this room. Constantly trying to find out what to do with your life and since I'll be busy with Normani today I'd figure I call Lauren and let her take you somewhere.", Dinah smirked.

"Take me somewhere?", I looked back at Lauren for an answer.

She smiled and pecked my lips "That's right baby you're in for a treat today."

Dinah fake gags "Ugh now that's cute. I'ma starting vomiting bubbles and trees over here."

Lauren starts laughing and looks at Dinah.

"Bubbles and trees? What the hell Dinah?. ", she continued laughing.

"Yeah that doesn't right at all.", Dinah laughs.

Dinah calms down and catches her breath. She smiles and me and Lauren.

"Alright you two I have to go now. Lauren I'm really trusting you here. Take care of her. If anything happens bring her here immediately. Got it?", Dinah crossed her arms and looked at the green eyed girl seriously.

"On it captain.", Lauren said as she saluted to Dinah.

Dinah gave us a thumbs up and closed the door behind her leaving me and Lauren in my room. Lauren looks back down at me and smiles. I smile back.

"I've missed you Lolo.", I said.

"I've missed you too Camz.", Lauren said.

"So where are we going?", I asked.

"Just you wait and see. Get your shoes on.", Lauren instructed.

I tilted my head went over to put on my shoes. I only used these when I went to Ally to have a session or when I'm heading to the hospital part of the institution. Was my surprise one of those places? Cause it was then Lauren really sucks at surprises.

"Lauren where are going?", I asked again.

"Be patient Camz.", Lauren chuckled.

I huffed and tied my shoes. I stood up from my seat and went back over to her.

The Abused and The Hurt//Camren//(COMPLETED)#Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now