"I grow big like daddy," he thumped his fists on his father's firm chest.

"Yes, you will, my little tyke. Now let's go find some breakfast, hey? This little pup is getting hungry," Chesca scooped up her little boy and crawled from the bed, her mate following close behind and managing to place a kiss on her neck just as they left the room together. Chesca loved this time of the morning, when it was just her and her family, with no distractions. Laughing quietly, they moved down the hallway with giddy steps.

And nearly bowled into a bleary-eyed little girl.

"Mommy, Daddy, have you seen Vannah? I can't find my teddy and I think she took him again."

"Good morning, princess Emerald, did you sleep well?" Kaiden lifted his daughter into his arms and brushed her dark locks back from her face, tucking them behind her ears and placing wet kisses on her smooth cheeks.

"Ouch, your cheeks are scratchy," Emerald pushed his face away from hers and squished it between her little fingers, staring at him intently as he carried her downstairs. "You need a beard cut."

"Well, what if I told you Mummy likes my beard?"

"Mommy!" Emerald called out, her green eyes growing wide. "Tell Daddy to cut off his beard, his cheeks are all scratchy!"

Chesca just laughed. No time soon would she tell Kaiden to shave. She loved the handsome five-day shadow on his face, and it made him look rugged and masculine. And especially, intimidating to other shewolves who might spare her Alpha mate a glance. Chesca was feeling even more possessive and jealous with all the pregnancy hormones flooding her system. "Why don't we find your teddy, hey Em? Did you ask Savannah were he is?"

"No, I didn't. Vannah wasn't in her bunk when I woke up. Do you think she took him and hid him outside like last time? That would be really mean, and I would—"

"I'm sure she didn't, honey. But we'll ask her anyway if she knows where he is. Just where is that girl? She is supposed to help brush your hair when you get up," Chesca's mind was already running through a million things as she rounded the last corner into the kitchen, the whereabouts of her eldest daughter being on the top of the list.
Savannah was always getting into scrapes and almost needed as much supervision as her active toddler Isaiah.

As soon as the kitchen came into view, Chesca heard a loud clattering noise, and saw Savannah standing by the bench, holding a whisk in one hand and a packet of flour in the other while a mixing bowl sat in front of her. A creamy substance was splashed on her face and shirt, and her brown eyes widened as she looked up and caught sight of them all staring at her.



It took a good half hour to clean up the kitchen and lecture Savannah why it was not a good idea to make pancakes by herself for school just because her friend Justin had bragged he could make better ones than her.

As Chesca stirred oatmeal in a saucepan, adding some honey and milk, she watched her three pups playing together in the loungeroom, the morning sunshine streaming through the glass windows and landing on their pretty heads.

Savannah, at eleven years old, was growing up to be a strong and spunky heir to the Alpha lineage despite her tendencies to act before thinking. She was already the natural leader of her group of friends, even if there was a certain boy she'd break a bone in her body just to impress.

Emerald was seven years old and felt it her job in life to keep her older sister from accidentally getting herself killed before adulthood. She was much more sensible, calm, and thoughtful than her sister, yet could be just as mischievous.

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