The end of time

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AU: apocalypse AU.

You sat on the floor of the run down old taskforce building, broken windows, floorboards and roofing all over the place.

You looked out at the destroyed city below you.

Bombs were dropped in every state in the world, millions were dead, electricity was gone, few survivors remained.

This is what happens when Kira takes control. At first it was just him waning to be God and killing criminals, but you couldn't stop him, he's destroyed the world.

Mankind is dying.

You and L survived by hiding in the fallout shelter when the bombs dropped. You sated there for three months, so the toxic fallout could die off.

When you finally saw the outside world again, you were met with dead bodies, broken roads, empty cars, rubble everywhere.

You hadn't found any survivors yet, but they were definitely out there. You'd often see smoke from camp fires and her people trying to communicate through their battery powered radios.

"Hey, anything happen?"

You turned to find L had come back from scavenging.

Those three months in the bunker drained your food supply, so you often had to go out and raid old shops or as many canned goods as you can.

"No, no ones nearby" you replied.

"Here, I managed to find some jackets"

You felt something be dropped over your shoulders.


L sat down next to you, looking out at the destroyed world below you.

"I can't believe this is how far Kira went..." L sighed.

"I know... what do you think happened to him? Ever since the bombs dropped we've heard nothing from him"

"He's probably out there, hiding somewhere safe until he can gain contact with everyone again"

"Probably, what'd you find?" You asked.

"Not much. Some jackets, a few bottles of water and a gun" L replied.

"At least we have something to defend ourselves with..."

L was silent for a moment.

"I wandered closer to the impact site"

"What was there?"

"Lots of burnt things, toxic waste too. I didn't risk going any closer. Although, that last must have incinerated anyone close by, there were two skeletons in each others arms... probably a mother and child..."

"I can't believe Kira did this... he's killed almost the whole world... all those innocent people..."

You suddenly heard a crash nearby. L jumped, grabbing the gun and holding it up as he scanned the area.

You looked around, suddenly seeing something move.

"Don't shoot. It's just a dog" you said.

You got up and walked over to it. It cowered away a little but you held out a hand for it to sniff.

"It's ok, come here" you said.

The dog crept up to you and let you pat it.

"Aww... you've hurt your paw" you said, noticing the blood on its paw.

You gently picked it up and bought over to L, who looked at the dogs paw.

"Looks like a glass cut. He should be alright if we wrap it up"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now