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Head canon: L sometimes overworks himself to the point of fainting.

It's been almost a month since L got a decent amount of sleep, the case had been very active lately.

Today the whole taskforce was sorting through security footage and files, having to stack them in boxes and put them in storage.

You were all minding your own business, stacking boxes of tapes when you noticed L was dazing out a little.

"Hey" you said, snapping your fingers in front of him, making him snap out of it.

"You ok?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" he replied, putting some boxes down on a self, labelling them as 'Kira tapes'.

You decided to keep an eye on him, he seemed out of it.

Sure enough, L kept having moment where he'd daze out.

You saw him lean against a wall for a second before picking up a box, so you'd decided to take the box from him and save him the trouble since something was obviously wrong.

You walked over and took the box off him, putting it with the rest of the Kira tapes.

"Ok seriously, what's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing, I'm ok"

"L you can't even walk straight"

"I'm fine, now stop worrying about me and get to work please..."

"No, there's something wrong"

He put his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine, seriously"

He was definitely not fine.

"L, come on"

He didn't respond.


Suddenly he fell forward, your first reaction to try and catch him.


Your cry alerted the whole taskforce as they turned to see what's was going on.

You caught him before he hit the ground, struggling to hold him up due to the strange position you were in.

"L? L, are you ok?"

No response. He'd fainted.

"What's going on?" Matsuda asked.

"L's just fainted!"

You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him up, pulling his arms over your shoulders, lifting his off the ground.

"Why? What happened?" Misa asked.

"I don't know we were just talking and he was out of it in two seconds! I'm taking him to my room, I don't have the keys to his"

You carried his limp body up to your room and placed him down in the bed. You put a hand against his forehead, he wasn't hot, so he can't he sick.

Then it hit you, L never sleeps. Like, ever. He's probably exhausted himself, overworked his body until it refused to put up with it.

You sat on the bed next to him, brushing the fringes from his eyes. You sighed, looking down at him.

"L... this is why I tell you to sleep" you said.

Now you were even more worried about him. What if he was sick? What is there was more to it than just being overtired?

That's it, you're not leaving until he wakes up.

-smol time skip-

You were still leaning against the bed frame, next to L. You were on your phone, researching if it was normal to faint under L's circumstances.

Turns out you had to be REALLY overworked to be able to faint. You were so going to tell him off for not sleeping when you told him to.

Suddenly you felt movement beside you, you looked over to see L trying to sit up.


You pulled him into your arms and head him tightly.

"(Y/n)? What's going on?" He asked.

"You freaking fainted! Don't do that again! You scared the hell out of me!" You explained.

"I fainted? When?"

"About four hours ago. See, this is why I tell you to get sleep! You were so over worked you literally collapsed. I swear to god I will drug your cakes with sleeping pills if you don't get more sleep"

"I feel awful"

"That's kind of what happens when you faint, see? This is why sleep is important. Damn it L you had me so worried, don't ever to that again. I thought you'd die or something"

L wrapped his arms around you and held you close.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to worry you that much. I should have listened" he said.

"Listen, honey. You go back to sleep, I'll continue your work for the day ok? You need rest" you said.

"No I hav-"

"No. L you stay here and sleep. Here I'll even get my fluffiest blanket for you"

You pulled your blanket from the end of the bed and wrapped his around him.

L didn't have the energy to argue, he felt like crap after all that.

"Ok..." he said, flopping back down into the pillows.

"Don't you worry about a thing ok? I love you, get some rest"

"I love you too, thanks for everything (y/n)"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now