There was an attempt

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Head canon: L finds it very amusing when you get frustrated over something stupid.

You just... couldn't?

Who invented this? Why? It's evil????


You had to calculate some percentages for the case and some funding stuff for the case too. But you just couldn't do it. You were fine with everything until you got to GODDAMN PERCENTAGES. Usually this wouldn't be to much of a problem, but you had to divide them, and you SUCKED at division.

You had a calculator and paper to work things out on, but the totals you got were always too high or your calculator came up with a calculation error. This was beginning to be frustrating.

"...then you divide it all by 12...and... OH YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF, LIKE THE ANSWER IS 97642385!"

Everyone was used to your frustration by now. They knew you weren't too good at this but they all had stuff to do, you were the only one available to do it.

And then there was L who found this very amusing.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANTAX ERROR?!" You yelled, almost throwing the calculator across the room.

You put your head in your hands and took a frustrated deep breath.

"Ok... (y/n) you can do this" you told yourself.

You grabbed a pencil and decided to write it out, maybe that would work.

"16, 43, 29,18... wait... that doesn't fit into the..."

You started at the page in anger, this was becoming ridiculous.

L, who was sitting a little further away from you, was having to bite his lips together so he didn't laugh. He knew you were smart, and he knew everyone had their weak point, but what was funny was how wound up you were getting. He knew you'd eventually figure out the one thing that you'd been doing wrong but this was funny to him, so he stayed quiet.

He suddenly heard a snap, he turned to look at you, who had snapped your pencil on half in frustration.

He let out a quiet giggle at that.

You punched the numbers into the calculator again, seconds later, throwing across the room.

He couldn't hold it in anymore. He burst out laughing, making everyone turn to look at him like he was an alien. Since when did L laugh? To them this was weird.

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!" You exclaimed.

"Have you tried halving the total?" He laughed.

You suddenly felt like an idiot. You completely forgot you had to do that...

You picked up the calculator and tried it again.

"12%..." you said under your breath.

He laughed again, you looked like you were about to explode. You stormed off, throwing the calculator across the room and running upstairs.

"Crap... maybe she took that the wrong way..." L said to himself, managing to calm down.

He got up and followed your footsteps, he heard a door slam upstairs.

"Oh god she's probably angry at me..."

He reached your door and knocked on it.

"(Y/n)? You ok?" He asked.

You didn't respond.

"For the record, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at your frustration. Screaming 'you can fuck right off' to a calculator is amusing when that's what breaks the hour long silence"

You still didn't respond. L knew you'd cool down eventually, so he left. After a few hours of you sulking in your room, the detective who was in the kitchen stuffing his face with Oreos while waiting for tea to heat up, heard footsteps upstairs. Not long after feeling someone's presence behind him, then two arms wrap around him.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be (y/n), I probably should have told you earlier"

He turned to face you and you looked up at him with a sorrowful look.

"Don't give me that look, you didn't do anything wrong, just lost your cool a little, we all do it" he said, wrapping his arms around you.

"I should've created a scene though" you replied.

"It's fine, don't stress over it"

He kissed your forehead to reassure you, causing you to smile up at him.

"It was pretty funny though" he said.

"Shut up..."

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now