Caught in the moment part 1

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A/n: NSFW LOLOLOL. Contains wet dreams ooo shit boi. Lol I can't remember who requested this but the more I thought about it, there's A LOT I could do with this, thanks random requester

Head canon: some things L just can't control.

You were sleeping so soundly, until you felt cold and realised the blankets had been pulled off.

You rubbed your eyes, sitting up and turning on the lamp- WHY THE HELL IS L IN YOUT BED.

Oh wait, that's right... you forced him to go to sleep since it's been weeks, you said you'd sit there until he fell asleep.

He seemed restless, like he was dreaming. He was making a lot of small noises and constantly shifting around, he must be dreaming.

"Freaking- give me the blankets!" You whispered to yourself, pulling the blankets he's pulled off back on you.

You turned off the lamp, but the second you did, you head your name.

"Mm... (y/n)"

Did you wake him up?

You turned the lamp back on but we was still asleep. He must be dreaming about you.

You were just going to go back to sleep, but he moved, and that's when you realised...

Someone's a little exited huh?

He wasn't just having any old dream, it was fucking wet dream. About you.

That man...

You just sat there, staring at him as he slept. He'd gripped onto the blankets, like he was finishing an action he was doing in the dream.

Part of you found this very funny, good teasing material. The rest of you was wondering what exactly was happing in that dream, must be good in order to induce that boner.

You should probably wake him up...

"L" you said, shaking him.

He remained asleep.

"L, wake up"

This time, he woke up.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

"I think you're in a bit of a... sticky situation" you teased.

It took him a moment, but when he realised, he instantly began to freak out.

"O-oh uh... I can explain" he said.

"No need, I get it, these things happen... but tell me... what exactly was I doing in your dream?"

"I wasn't... talking in my sleep was I?"

"Yeah, you were"

"Well... it's just-"

You decided to make his dream come true, his mind has started the job, you were going to finish it. You moved to push his legs down and sit on top of him, hooking a finger over the rim of his jeans.

"W-what are you-"

"Finishing the job"

You pulled at the zip on his jeans and pulled them down, L didn't protest.

You slipped your hand down his boxers, giving him a devilish smirk as he tenses up.

This was going to be interesting.

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt