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Head canon: Watari thinks you and L are perfect for each other and ships you so hard.

It was painful watching the two of you completely oblivious to each others feelings, everyone around you could see it. Especially Watari, he knew L better than anyone, he knows his almost son, and the actual L was in love with a girl he worked with.

Now the problem was just getting him to admit it.

What to do?

Maybe it was time for a little talk with the detective...

It was silent in HQ since it was the middle of the night, you were asleep and so was everyone else, everyone but L and Watari that is.


The detective turned away from his work to face the man that took care of him through everything.

"Yes? What is it?"

"We need to talk about something"

"Ok? What is it?" L asked.

"It's about (y/n)"

"(Y/n)? Has something happened to her?"


"Have you found something regarding the case with her?"


"Is she under threat?"


"Then what's-"

"I know you're in love with her" Watari said, making L close his mouth for two seconds.



"But I'm not- oh... shit"

There it was, there was the realisation. For a genius he really didn't know ANYTHING about feelings did he?

"She likes you too, it's so obvious I'm honestly surprised you haven't picked it up yet" Watari said.

"She does? Can't be, she just likes hanging around me that's all, she just worried about m- oh"

There it was again, L had finally realised it.

"I'm bringing this up because you need someone on your life L, you need someone who loves you, someone who you can go to when I can't help you. (Y/n) is very trustworthy, you can rely on her" Watari explained.

"Why? I've never understood relationships..." L replied.

"It's important to have someone who loves you, especially in your case. I worry about your wellbeing, you've never had a family, now that you've finally found someone you love and someone that loves you, you can make your own"

L thought for a moment, he did really love you, and he did want someone to call his, and a family. But how would he tell you? What if you said no?

"How do I even tell her?"

"Just pull her aside and tell her how you fell, it can be nerve wrecking, but good will come out if it"

"What if she says no?"

"She won't, believe me"

Right at that moment, guess who showed up? You.

You'd walked sleepily down the stairs, wanting to get a drink. Upon seeing you at the door, Watari looked over at L and gave him a nod before leaving the room.

L let you get your water while he worked up the courage to say something.

As you were about to leave, you were stopped by your name being said.


You thought maybe he wanted to quickly talk about the case, so it was over to L you went.

"Yeah? What's up?" You asked.

He got up and walked up to you, looking down at you.

"It's been bought to my attention... that-uh... we share feelings for each other..." he said.

You froze, how the fuck did he know? Was it that obvious? Wait a second, did he just say 'WE share feelings for EACH OTHER?'

He liked you too?

What Harry Potter wizardry bullshit is this? Crushes NEVER like each other back.

"Wait... we share feelings for each other? So... you like me back?" You said, your cheeks heating up.

"Y-yes" he replied, his cheeks going red  too.

You let that sink in for a second... he loved you like you loved him.

"B-but if that makes you feel uncomfortable then I'll ba-"

You cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a kiss, shocking him at first, but he soon melted into it, your arms slipped around his neck and his around your waist, pulling you closer.

Meanwhile Watari had watched the whole confession over the cameras, smiling at the fact his almost son had finally gotten himself a girlfriend.

Well, mission find L's soulmate can be checked off the list.

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें