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Head canon: there's a reason neither you or L can be trusted driving.

"Ok... where the frickle frackle are we?" You said.

"I don't know, but we couldn't turn at that intersection so this is literally our only hope" L replied.

"We're in the middle of nowhere goddamnit. Look at that, sand, dead trees, rocks. It looks like the Australian outback"

"I don't even know how we ended up here, the GPS said to turn right"

"Ok yeah we're lost, pull over and call Watari to come find us"

L pulled onto the side of the road and grabbed the phone, asking for someone to find the two of you.

You were meant to be going out to get some FBI files but god knows where you are now. You followed the GPS and you followed all the road signs, how on earth did you end up on a long county road in the middle of nowhere?

"He's coming to get us"


"And yes he did say 'I told you so', this is why I never drive" L said, unbuckling the seat belt and pulling his knees us to his chest.

"I love how taskforce sent the worst drivers out to collect important papers like idiots" you replied, pulling the lever and pushing the seat back to put your feet up on the dashboard.

"Where even are we?"

"I think we somehow managed to drive from Tokyo to the middle of Australia, any second we see a damn kangaroo hop past. It looks like an outback out there" you said.

"I've been to Australia for a case once, it was like living on the damn sun"

"Doesn't it reach 50 degrees (C) in the northern parts of Australia?"

"It can, lucky I never experienced that. I miss the Tim Tams though"

"Those are the chocolate biscuits right?"


"I've always wanted to try those... and authentic Italian pizza"

This conversation was taking a strange turn.

"You know you can eat jellyfish?" L said.


"Apparently it's like eating a rubber band"

"Sounds gross, you can eat bugs too"

"Who I'm their right minds would want to do that?"

"Insane people"

It was getting too hot in the car, so you opened a window and looked outside for any other cars, apart from some tumbleweed and the scorching sun, there was nothing.

"God this is taking ages" you said.

"I'm bored" L replied.

"Me too... hey, let's play never have I ever"

"Why not?"

You both turned to face each other and and put down the sun visors.

"Ok, first to ten?"


"Never have I ever... accidentally locked myself in a bathroom stall" you said.

"Nope, wait- you've done that?" L replied.

"Yeah, I was three ok, don't judge a kid"

"Ok... never have I ever... been diving"

"Nope, you've been diving?"

"Once when I was 15, long story short, I'm still scared of parrot fish" he said.

"Ok, never have I ever... forgot to eat for a day"

"Damnit, yeah I have"

"Ha! I'm in the lead already" you sassed.

"Shut up...ok, never have I ever... gone fairy hunting as a kid"

"Oh come on everyone's gone fairy hunting as a kid!"

"Now we're tied, don't count your chickens before they hatch" L sassed back.

"Fine, never have I ever... had those curly fries on a stick, which by they way, are superior to any other kind of chips" you said.

"Actually... now that I think about it, I don't think I have"


"What? I eat more sugar than savoury"

"True... ok, your turn" you said.

"Never have I ever... been single my whole life. And playground relationships in primary school don't count" he said.

"You know me, I don't talk to people, of course I've never had s boyfriend, you've never had a girlfriend?" You replied.

"Never, not only do I not really talk to people, I also hide from the world because of work so I've never even thought about it until recently"

"You and be both. What about a crush? Have you ever had a crush?" 

"Do anime characters count?" 

"Just this once, no"

"Then no, not until y- recently" he said.

"Ooo you've got a crush who is it? Is she pretty?"

"Y-yeah, very pretty..."

"Who is it? Do I know her?"

"If you didn't that'd be a concern"

"It's not Misa is it?"

"God no, I wouldn't be able to live with her whining"

"Then I'm lost I don't know any other girls that know you but me so-"

You saw a smirk creep across L's lips as it clicked on your brain.

"Figured it out yet?" He sassed.

"You sneaky little... it's me?"

"I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner"

Suddenly you heard a car horn behind you. You both jumped and turned to see you'd been found and ready to be guided back to taskforce. You turned to look at L as you buckled your seatbelt.

"As soon as we get back, we're having a long talk mister"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now