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NSFW WARNING. Also long chapter warning. If you wanna skip to the smut look for the 🔞🔞 signs.

Head canon: If you were to become sexually active with L, you'd both hide it from the taskforce.

You were sitting in the backseat of the car next to L, gazing out the window as you drove aimlessly. Taskforce had forced you both to leave the building with them. Misa had the stupid idea of a 'bonding trip' to stop all the arguing at HQ, so guess where she'd dragged you all?


How fun...

You didn't think Misa would be the kind that was into camping, but apparently she likes it. It was sunset as you drove down to the campsite, you were watching the trees go by, dreading the night to come.

You suddenly pulled up in the middle of nowhere, the other cars of the taskforce already there.

You both got out and Watari, who had driven you, helped you unpack the boot and set up tents.

"I don't get the point if this..." L said.

"Neither do I..." you replied.

"Ok guys! Let's make tent arrangements!" Misa said.

You all gathered around.

"Ok, since Mr Yagami had that heart attack recently and still needs rest, he gets his own tent. So does Watari. Matsuda and Aizawa you're together, Mogi and Ide you're together. Now I don't trust any of you with (y/n)! So she's with me. And L and Light please get along" she said.

Well at least she was thinking of how awkward it would be to share a tent with one of the guys would be for you. Although you wouldn't mind L.

"Well I'm not falling asleep anyway so I guess I'll just read..." L said.

"Sounds good" Matsuda replied.

"What do you mean by not trusting us with (y/n)?" Light said.

"(Y/n) still up for grabs in the dating game, and a night alone with any of you could end in some steamy games" Misa explained.

You laughed, like you'd ever fuck any on these guys. Although... L is an exception, you'd let him fuck you any day. But he doesn't seem to be too into dating.

"Ok, anyway... what are we doing in the meantime?"

"Swimming! There's a lake near by and it had showers too!" Misa said.

Looks like it was a god idea for you to wear a swimsuit under your clothes. Misa lead you all to the lake, there was a jetty to jump off and canoe hire.

You dropped your towel and kicked off your shoes, quickly stripping of your clothes and revealing a spotted blue swimsuit underneath. Misa grabbed your hand and pulled you down the jetty, making you jump off with you. You both landed with a splash, breaking to the surface and laughing.

Suddenly another splash sprayed you with water, you found Light and Matsuda had jumped in too.

"Hey!" You laughed.

"Sorry!" Light replied.

"Last one to the pontoon is Kira!"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now