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A/n: does anyone remember that oneshot from my second L book, last night, goodnight? Well to this day I still get people asking me to make it into a story. So does anyone want a short story about it? It'd only be 6 or so chapters but I can do it. For those who don't remember it, basically you say goodnight to L (who's still fictional) every night but one night you wake up to find the bedsheets beside you all messed up, you check the room but can't find anything and go back to sleep, the next morning guess who's there? So yeah, anyone actually want that as a short story?

Head canon: L is the relatively chill and calm parent... then there's you.


"(Y/n)... quiet down..."

It was too late, you already ran into the kitchen to start making breakfast. L sighed and dragged himself out of bed, waking upstairs to his kids rooms. Your kids found it hilarious when you panicked like this actually.

L first walked into his daughters room and gently woke them up.

"Time to get up sweetheart" he said.

"But I don't wanna go to school..."

"I know, but your mum will implode if you don't get up"

"Is she freaking out again?"

"Yeah, we better get down there"

She laughed and got out of bed, running down the halls.

Next L went to his sons room and woke him up.

"But dad school is boring"

"Yeah I know, but you gotta get up before your mum explodes"

"Ok fine" he laughed.

And the both of them went downstairs.

"We're freaking 15 minutes behind, we're going to late again, come on you stupid toaster just cook!" You said.

You couldn't handle late days very well. Everyone found it very amusing.

"Honey it'll be fine, stop stressing" L said, reaching over you to grab a coffee mug.

"We can't afford another late day L!"

"But we never end up late"


You kids just laughed at your overreaction.

You finished breakfast and put it down at the table for everyone.

"Now hurry up or we'll be late!" you said.

You finished your one piece of toast in a matter of seconds and instantly ran off to get dressed for the day. You were such a mess right now.

"Daddy are we really going to be late?" Your daughter said.

"No, we're actually on time, but you know your mother" L said.

"Mummy thinks we're always going to be late, even if we wake up five hours before we leave" your son added.

You came back out and grabbed your coffee mug, pouring a second serving.

You heard the kids and L begin to laugh under thee breath.

"What?" You asked.

None of them said anything.

"Your pants are on backwards" your son said.

"Also that's my shirt" L added.


And off you ran to fix yourself.

"Alright you two head upstairs and gets changed before mummy has a mental breakdown" L said.

When you returned you cleared away the dished and frantically began to put lunch boxes and water bottles into your kids backpacks and then ran off to brush your teeth.

Meanwhile L was completely calm.

"Do you want pigtails or a ponytail?" He asked his daughter.

"Pigtails! With these sparky hair ties" she replied.

"Pigtails it is"


They laughed at your panic.

"There's still ten minutes don't listen to her" L said, tying up his daughters hair.

"Daddy I can't tie my shoes" your son said.

"One second"

L finished with being a hair stylist and turned to tie his sons shoe laces.

"HURRY UP!" You yelled down the hall.

The three just laughed again.

"Daddy why is mummy always so worried about being late?" Your son asked.

"I don't know, she just always has been. One time when we were working on the Kira case, she got so worried about being late to a meeting, she set an alarm for 3 in the morning" L said.

"That's way too early! Is that why she's always so tried, or is she like you and has imso- imsomn-"


"Yeah that"

"It's a bit of both I think"

The three of them walked downstairs to meet you and you frantically gave the kids their bags and pulled everyone to the car. And of course, you worried for nothing, you arrived early.

You dropped the kids off at school and when they left, hit your head against the top of the steering wheel.

"Why do I always do this? I'm such a bad mum..." you said.

"You're not a bad mum, you're just a worried mum" L laughed.

"Honestly why did you marry a mess like me?"

"I wonder that too sometimes. But I'm glad I did"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now