Baby monitor

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Head canon: when your baby starts crying and you're not around, L will climb into the crib and comfort them until they fall asleep.

You'd recently had a baby boy. You called him Nate, but around taskforce called him Near.

You couldn't leave the case even with a baby, so you'd ended up with a crib in the office.

Misa was rather fond of your baby, claiming he was such an adorable boy and wishing she'd be a mother like you one day. She was was with you in the monitor room, keeping you company as you watched the monitors.

L was all the way down on the first floor tending to files and reports. Near was asleep in the same room in his crib.

It was midnight and everyone was dead tired, so hearing your baby scream over the monitors was a wake up call.

You looked over and found L walking over to his son. He then turned to the camera facing him.

"I'll handle this" he said, even though you were still working, he wanted you to get as much rest as possible.

You pressed on the microphone and spoke back.

"Thank you"

"You need to go to bed soon ok?"


And with that you went back to watching lights room, knowing Near was in good hands.

Meanwhile L was trying to calm his crying baby, he'd lifted him up and begun to gently rock him back and fourth in his arms, salting Near down a bit.

It was rather cold so L put a little jacket and hat on him and wrapped him up in another blanket to keep him warm, this seemed to quiet him down.

L out Near back down in his crib but as soon as he turned to walk away, the child just started to cry again.

Usually L was never tired but being a dad had worn him out, so this crying wasn't helping.

He turned back to find Near had crawled out of his blankets and was pulling himself up against the railing, trying to stand up and reach for his father. L sighed and walked back over, trying to figure out what was wrong.

It didn't take long to figure out all Near wanted was his dad. There was only one way to solve this.

He pulled himself over the railing and sat down in his sons crib, watching Near crawl over to him and wrap his arms around him. He leaned up against the pillow and sushed his son, making the crying stop and the child begin to sleep again.

"Oh my god (y/n)"

You turned to see Misa staring at the screen in front of her.

"What?" You yawned.

"You have the best husband"

You slid your chair over and your heart melted at the sight of your husband cuddled up with his sleeping son. The both of them starting to fall into a slumber.

"Oh my god my heart" you said, smiling like an idiot.

"You know, when I first met L I didn't think he was even capable of emotions until I found out he married you. This is something I didn't know I needed in my life until now" Misa laughed.

"What did I do to deserve a man that will literally sit in a tiny crib just to make sure his son is happy?"

You ended up watching the monitors all night, falling asleep at your desk. The next morning you decided to go and take over with baby duty and go to give your son breakfast.

But upon making it down the long flights of stairs, you were met with the same sight you saw over the monitors light night, your two boys still asleep in that tiny crib.

You smiled and walked over, your footsteps awaking your baby.

He looked up at you and smiled, trying to crawl out of L's arms.

You picked him up and held him in your arms.

"Good morning sweetie" you said, Near giggling in response.

"Did you make daddy sleep with you last night?"

You got another giggle and a hug from your son.

You looked down at L who looked so over tired.

"Honey, wake up" you said, gently shaking him awake.


He sat up and looked confused for a moment before remembering what was going on.

"Oh right- now my back hurts..."

He climbed out and grabbed Near from you.

"You're so fussy, I swear I'm going to need to see a doctor about my back if you keep that up" he said, earring another happy baby noise from his son.

"Listen honey, you need to go to sleep, I'll take care of him today" you said.

He was too tired to augur with that.

"Ok..." he said, kissing your cheek and leaving to go sleep in an actual bed.

"You know Near... I really love your father, he can put up with me and you at once and not even think twice about it..." you said.

Your son just tried to crawl over your shoulder.

"Ok, ok. I'll get some breakfa-"

"(Y/n), you're coming with me"

You were suddenly pulled the other why by L who had reappeared.

"Wha- but I have to make breakfast"

"I've been informed you didn't sleep properly last night"

"Oh... oops?"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now