Clean out

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A/n: wow insomnia is fun. I didn't update yesterday bc I was trying to sleep so I stayed off my phone, ended up pulling an all nighter oops.

Head canon: L doesn't really like clutter and mess, even though his desk is covered in papers and candy wrappers. He makes the taskforce do some spring cleaning every so often.

So here you were, your clothes all over the floor, two boxes in front of you, one with 'donate' one with 'keep'.

L had made everyone clean out their rooms. Apparently taskforce was getting to full of stuff, last week he made everyone mop the floors, damnit what's next? Clean the helicopters on the rooftop?

But you did need to get rid of some stuff anyway, so you're weren't that fussed.

You started digging through your stuff, checking the sizes and seeing if there was any damage. You came across stuff you'd forgotten you even had, and stuff you'd been looking for.

You threw a striped shirt into your keep box, and grabbed a pair of shorts, seeing they were too small, you threw them in the donate box.

This was going to take forever, you definitely needed some help with this.

You got up and opened the door, looking down the hall to find L was re-stacking some books on a shelf.

"Hey L!"

"Yeah?" He replied, turning to face you.

"Can you help me out? I've got a lot to get through and if you want this done by 4 I'll need some help" you said.

He sighed and agreed, walking over and starring in shock at the amount of stuff you had.

"Ok anything under size (your size) can go, unless it's a tour shirt or my leavers jacket from high school" you said, sitting back down and grabbing a cat hoodie.

"Alright, what about shoes are we sorting through them?"

"Later, I've gotta get them all out first"

He grabbed one of your shirts and checked the tag, putting it in the keep box.

Things were definitely going faster, you were making good progress now. It was kind of sad to see some things go, like your favourite shirt from year 12 and that one really cool pair of pants with cherry blossoms down the sides, but you wouldn't even be able to to fit into them, so keeping them was pointless.

You pulled a pair of pants from the pile, but the tag was too faded to tell what the size was.


You stood up and pulled them over your leggings, only to find you couldn't pull them over your butt.

"Aww I liked them..."

L laughed at your attempts to try and squeeze into them.

"What's the size? That look tiny" he asked.

"Dunno, the tags too faded" you pulled them off and grabbed them off you, looking at the tag.

He somehow managed to make it out.

"Three sizes to small"

"Wow, how long have they been sitting in my cupboard?"

You were approaching the end of the pile, it was mainly socks and bathers, with the odd shirt and dress here and there.

Your donate box was overflowing, seems this clean out was really needed.

"Hey, what size are you for these?"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora