Angsty head canon promt master post

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A/n: all dark and edgy shit is here, check back for new ones every so often. Comment or send me which ones you want. Waring: triggering content.

•his death made you depressed

•if you were to die before him he'd have you cremated and keep your ashes in a locket, one that sits over his heart.

•if you were to die, he'd also fall into depression, you were the only one that ever loved him, loosing you would be the worst thing ever to him.

•if you were to have a miscarriage, you'd both cry for days.

•if your child were to die during birth, it would take a massive toll on the both of you.

•he came to see you and say goodbye before he died when Kira got to him, he was shaking, in tears and told you to carry on and that he'd always love you no matter what.

•after he died, he watches you from the realm of the dead.

•he attends all your family and friends funerals with you, he lets you cry into his chest and sometimes even tears up himself.

•if you were held at gunpoint, he'd jump in front of the bullet.✔️
-you'd jump in front of the bullet for him too

•if you were to become deathly sick, he'd never leave the hospital. And only turn life support off if it was the last resort.

•his one wish is to marry you before he dies.

•if you were to be buried, he'd visit your grave to talk to you every day.
-you'd do the same for him.

•if he was once a cutter, it would be when he was very young before he realised how stupid it was to cut.

•if a case gets too much, he starts to think darkly, sometimes even suicidal.

•he dreads the thought of you being a self harmed or being abused.

•when you get really seriously injured, he tends to have a panic attack, worried you might not make it.

•if you were suicidal, he'd do everything in his power to make you genuinely smile again.

•he tends to get anxious when you're gone for too long. ✔️

•if you were to die when you were engaged, on your wedding day, he'd wear his wedding suit to your grave and talk to you.
-if he was the one that died, you'd wear your dress to his grave.

•if he were to gain the form of a shinigami, he'd drop a death note, just so you'd pick it up so you could be with him again.
-you'd do the same.

•when Watari died, he took it really hard, you had to constantly be there for him.

•he was the one to cover Wataris body for the final time.
(This happened in L change the world and I cri)

•he cried hysterically at Wataris funeral and you couldn't let go of him at all during the funeral.

•he often feels he's doing some wrong, so he feels guilty about something almost all the time.

•we can assume he was abandoned by his parents very young. Maybe about three years old or maybe even earlier. So he always new them as abusive because they were superstitious and he was born on Halloween.

•when a member of the taskforce dies because of Kira, he feels it's his fault.

•cares so deeply for Matt, Mello and Near. If anything were to happen to them, he'd blame himself. ✔️

While we're all angst-y...

I just remembered this scene...


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