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Head canon: L will not sleep unless the blankets are fluffy

"Come on, you're being a baby" you said, pulling on the detectives arm.

"This case is important!" He replied, tying with one hand and holding onto the table with the other so you couldn't pull him away.

"You haven't slept in days!"

"This case is important!" He repeated.

"That's your excuse every time!"

You got tied of pulling so you playfully jabbed his sides, making him let go.

As quick as you could, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him away from the computer and started to push him down the hall.

"Ok fine, you've gotten me off the computer anyway"

You pulled him down the halls and into your room where you flopped onto the bed.

"Something's different" he said.

You sat up and looked around the room.

"I don't see anything"

He scanned the room, taking nor of the differences form the last time he was in there.

"How can you not see a change? The curtains are closed, the lightbulb was replaced, you have a new book on the bedside table and-"

You turned to look at him only to have a bra thrown at your face.

"-you left a bra on the floor"

"Oops" you laughed, throwing it into the washing basket.

"Also the bed sheets are different"

"Yeah? It's getting hotter so I switched the flannel sheets to cotton ones so we're cooler"

"That won't do" he said.

"What? Why? We'll be cooler"

"Cotton isn't as soft as those blankets you had before"

"You mean the fuzzy ones, with the birds on it?"

"Yes that one, with the little flaxen birds with green bows on their heads"

"And? It's just a blanket"

"Cotton isn't as soft, therefore it will be harder to get comfortable and fall asleep"

You let that sink in. What kind of logic? Wasn't he meant to be a mad genius?


"In order to fall asleep, one must be in a comfortable state in order for their body I switch off for the night and have sleep hormones released"

"You want the birdie blanket don't you?"

"Yes I want the birdie blanket"

What a baby. Well... if it made him sleep.

You sighed and smiled, getting up and pulling the blanket off the shelves.

"Here, you'll get hot"

"I'll fall sleep though"

He reached out to take it from you but you held it out of reach.

"I don't want you to overheat. If you want this blanket put some shorter clothes on" you said.

"But my room is all the way upstairs and we've already turned all the lights off" he complained.

"Fine, take your shirt off or something"

"And then you'll give me the blanket?"


And there goes his shirt.

He snatched the blanket from you and wrapped it around his shoulders.

"You and your birdie blanket" you said.

"Shut up. You wanted me to go to sleep, you got yourself into this"

"Ok ok, lets just go to sleep, it's late"

You both curled up in bed and were asleep in a matter of minutes.

So that was the secret weapon to making L sleep.

A fuzzy blanket with birds on it.

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now