Queen of the waves

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A/n: my little cousins were watching barbie in a mermaid tail and queen of the waves has been stuck in me head all day so have this. It's really random but I have a writers block now so just take it.

Head canon: you can surf, L can't, you have lots of fun trying to teach him and watching him fail.

You'd just finished a set on the waves, perfecting a few new tricks. You'd gone off to the beach to practice while taskforce was dead and there was nothing to do.

As you paddled in, you saw L standing by the shore, waiting for you to finish so he could take you back to taskforce.

"Hey hey strawberry boi" you said, picking up your board and sticking it in the sand.

"You've been here for three hours" he said.

"Oh, oops?"

You tend to loose track of time while out on the waves.

"You're very good at surfing though, you have lots of control over the board and amazing balance"

"Thanks, that kind of happens when you're doing this for your whole life"

"I'll admit, I've always admired surfers, you need an incredible amount of skill to be able stay up and perform stunts all on moving water" he said.

That gave you can idea... you went home that day and decided to get up early tomorrow to surf under the sunrise before the beach got packed. And you'd bring someone along with you.

When you woke up and got into your gear, you grabbed your board and walked downstairs to find everyone still asleep, except L who was half asleep at his desk.

"Hey Lawlipop" you said.


"Wanna come to the beach with me? We can watch the sunrise"

He tiredly picked his head up from the table and rubbed his eyes.

"Sure... it's not like I'm doing anything anyway" he said.

"And... be ready to get in the water"

He didn't exactly know what you were planning, but he want along with it, just because he loves you and he knew it'd make your happy. You walked down to the beach and dumped all your stuff on the beach.

"Alright, let's get in"

You grabbed his hand and pulled him into the water without warning. The coldness definitely waking him up.

"Jump on"


"Surprise! I'm teaching you how to surf!"

"Wha- (y/n) I don't think-" he began.

"Not having it, I want to see you surf. You tend to build up skills really quick, so let's see how you are on the waves" you said.

You see, L's smart, it's pretty obvious. He picks up skills really quickly, once he find his water legs, he'll be able to ride the waves in no time. It's just standing on moving water that would be the challenge.

You held the board still and walked him through how to pop up properly. He was wobbly at first, but if you were holding the board still, he was ok.

"Ok, you can get up when it's still. Now try without my help"

You watched as he struggled to stand up, flipping off the board and landing in the water with a splash.

You laughed at his failed attempt as he broke to the surface and shook his hair from his face.

"I think I just swallowed half the ocean..."

Meanwhile, the taskforce was staring to wave up and Light had found the note you left on his computer saying you went to the beach.

"I didn't think L would go along with her" Misa said.

"Well, she is a surfer, and you know how into analysing skills L is..." Light said.

"It's been hours, we should go get them"

"We should, come on"

With that, they made their way out the door and down to the beach.

In the time it took for them to wake up and start the trip to the beach, L had managed to find his balance, and was now working on trying to catch a wave.

You'd just demonstrated, and paddles over to him.

"So yeah, you'll want to paddle just as the end of the board starts to reach the wave" you said, slipping off and handing him the board.

"You make it look so easy..." he said,pulling himself onto the board.

"Just think of it this way. Once you've got this, you'll have detective skills, martial arts skills, cake cooking skills and surfing skills under your belt"

To took a couple of attempts, but just as your thought, he picked it up really fast. This is L were talking about, he just kind of scans something in his head and he can do it.

"Ok, catch this one!" You called out.

Obeying your command, he was up, and staying up! No wipe outs, no wobbles, he was doing it!

"WOOO YES BABE!" You cheered.

Light and Misa approached the beach, seeing a surfer in the distance and assuming it was you. They took of their shoes and walked into the sand, making their way over, passing your stuff that was still left on the shore.

"Holy crap, Light, that's L!" Misa said, pointing to the surfer.

Light had to stop and look for a second.

"Holy crap, since when could he surf?!"

They rushed over to the waters edge to watch.

L, who was amazingly still standing, had managed to learn to surf in a day, he really was something.

"YES L SHRED IT!" You cheered.

As the wave started to die, he lost his balance and fell off, landing in the water with a splash. He broke to the surface and cheered. You swam over and leaned up on the board with him.


"That was fun! Get me a board for Christmas please" he laughed.

"Done. We can surf together now, I told you you'd pick it up easily. It only took 37 wipeouts"

"Hey, is that Light and Misa?"

You turned to face the shore, and sure enough, there were your two Kira suspects, watching you both in awe.

"It is, they must want us back at taskforce"

You swam back to shore and dragged the board out of the water, grabbing your towels and walking over to him.

"Were we out for too long?" You asked.

"Since when could L surf?" Misa asked.

"Since this morning" he replied.

"Wait, you learnt this in a day?" Light asked.


"Wha- HOW?!"

"I pick up skills easily"

You followed the Kiras back to taskforce, trailing behind and talking about surfing and whatnot.

"Would you look at that, the man who never leaves the house, learnt a new sport in a day. You gotta stop being so hard on yourself" you said.

"Well physical activity isn't really my strong point"

"Says the guy that can do capoeira and was British junior tennis champ"

"You know what I mean, my whole life is detective work, I didn't think I'd pick this up"

You put an arm around him and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"Even then I'd still love you" you said.

"Even then you'd still be the queen of the waves"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now