Cuddles (short)

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A/n: Idk wtf is happening with wattpad but it won't let me update anything over 500 or so words, they just won't publish. So the part threes to both forever and turn on will be up later when it's all fixed up. But I gotta give you guys something so here's a small filler.

Head canon: L gets all affectionate and cuddly when he's stressed.

The case was at a high, everyone was occupied with something and evidence was all over the place, so many files were yet to be sorted and tapes yet to be viewed. Everyone seemed to be coping with it well, even though the whole taskforce was really stressed.

You were re-reading a statement from a witness trying to stay focused when you heard a thud next to you.

You turned to see L had dropped his head onto the table and looked like he was ready to fly home and never some back.

"You alright?" You asked.

"Yeah- yep I'm fine" he said, picking his head up and putting it in his hands for a moment before looking back at the screen and sighing.

You knew he must be tried and overworked but you also knew there's no point in telling him to go to sleep because he won't.

You just had to let him continue.

"(Y/n)?" He said, making you turn to face him again.

"Yeah?" You replied.

"...Can I have a hug?"

You smiled and opened your arms, he got up and walked over to you, flopping into your arms and resting against your chest.

"You're tried aren't you?" You said.


"Me too. We'll get through this soon enough though. Don't stress yourself out"

It was silent for a moment.

"Can I... stay here for a while?"

"Go ahead"

He tightened his grip on you and snugged into your shirt. He really was just a sleepy panda wasn't he?

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now