Love letters

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It was like a cheesy high school romance movie. He just couldn't stop thinking about you. His heart would stop with you looked over at him,  you thought he was funny wen he failed at the punchline, he thought he was cute despite his always wearing the same thing, you just got him. You were his missing puzzle piece.

All these feelings were like a cliche romance movie.

But he just couldn't stop thinking about it.

He needed you in his life, he just couldn't live without you anymore.

So, in another cliche move, he decided to start sending you anonymous love notes, that way he could be a ease knowing you were aware of his feelings, but unaware they were his until he could work up the courage to tell you.

It was hard, it really was, he just couldn't find the words.

But you being the detective mastermind you were you'd determined a list of possible people the notes were from. Most of the taskforce were married and way older than you so you ruled them out.

That left you with Light, Matsuda, L and maybe even Misa, who knows maybe she's into both boys and girls.

You could definitely see it being Matsuda, but the language in the letter was too fancy and sophisticated to be him.

While Misa was possible, she was too obsessed with light to even bat an eye at you.

That left Light and L.

You knew Light wasn't into Misa, and the language in the letters could match him, but he calls you his friend, you're in his friendzone.

Then there was L.

You couldn't imagine L writing love letters, but the language matches, there's nothing stopping him from perusing you and the notes reference candy a lot...

But you just couldn't see L writing letters like a schoolgirl to their senpai.

You looked over the latest note again, analysing it a second time.


I can't get you out of my head, you're all I think about now. You're so kind and absolutely gorgeous, you're voice is like an angels song and you're smile gives me so many butterflies. These feelings are cliche romance movie, like those films where the school kids revel against their parents and sneak out to have a summer romance.

Something about you is so mesmerising, you're all I've ever wanted in life.

I really hope these don't come off as creepy, I have no ill intentions toward you, I've just fallen head over heels down a hill for you.

I can't find the courage to reveal myself just yet, I'm too scared, I've never done something like this before.

Just know I love you ok?


It was sweet, you'd give them that.

Then it hit you. 'Never done something like this before.'

The person had to be new to love then.

Misa and Light definitely aren't new to love.

Matsuda has told you about his past girlfriends before.

So... it had to be L.

But you just couldn't imagine him writing you love letters...

Maybe he did have feelings for you?

You wouldn't really mind, he's such a sweetheart and he always looks so lonely, you would be totally up for giving him a shot.

Well, it was now or never, bring up the letters and see who reacts.

You sighed rather loudly, breaking the silence of the room.

"Woah, what was that frustrated sigh for?" Misa asked.

"I've been getting anonymous love letters from someone here but I don't know who..." you said.


Misa grabbed it from your hand and began to read over it.

"Awww this is so sweet! Who do you think it is?"

"No idea. It's not you is it?" You laughed.

"No, it's not me, although you are a looker (y/n)"

"Thanks" you said, jokingly flicking your hair.

"Any ideas though?"

"Well, I think I know who it could be..."

As you said that you glanced over at L to look for a reaction, and just as you thought, you saw him tense up and look over at the letter for a second.

"Oooo who is it?"

"I won't say, for their sake, they'd have a damn heart attack if I outed them in front of everyone" you said.

You saw L relax.

Bingo. It was definitely L.

He's such a suck up.

"Well, when they confess you better tell me" Misa said, handing you back the note.

"Don't worry I'm sure word will get out"

With that everyone went back to work. But you decided to write a note back and drop it at L's desk as you walked by.

"I'll be back guys I'm going to hunt for a charger" you said, getting up and walking by L's desk, dropping the paper on his desk.

He watched you leave before picking it up and reading it.

I know it's you. Don't worry, I love you too. If you want to talk I'll be on the rooftop.

His heart almost stopped when he read that, he scrambled out of his chair and dashed down the halls, up the stairs and onto the rooftop where he found you looking over the city by the railing.

He took a breath and decided to approach you, you could head his footsteps behind you and decided to speak up.

"I never thought you of all people would write love letters L" you said, turning around.

"I-it was the only thing I can think of..." he said.

You smiled at him.

"You're sweet, just as sweet as all that candy you eat"

"It's just.. ugh- when I look at you, my brain goes all stupid and I just want to sit on the couch and watch anime with you and stuff.."

Wow he was so bad but so good at explaining his feelings.

You wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly, at first, he froze at the action but quickly loosened up and wrapped his arms around you in return.

"Do you really love me?" He asked.

"Of course I do... I love you L, don't ever forget that"

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora