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A/n: so because of the crap ton of requests I have I'm spacing them between the NSFW chapters. So uploading should kind of be back to normalish. Also tomorrow I won't be able to upload bc I'm at my mums for the night soz guys.

In other news: I want a fucking hug from L rn but he's not fucking real and I'm sad I just wanna tell my baby I love him. I sound nuts.

Head canon: L is actually a very good artist.

"Ok, there's been a lot of fighting recently, so we're going to play a little game to make you all get along"

You were standing at an easel, the taskforce at each one as you stood in a circle. Misa was in the centre, explaining her little ice breaker game.

"You have to draw, or paint or both, the person opposite you. You have two hours, you can use any art supplies on this table. The rule is you can't argue over anyone got it?" She said.

Everyone nodded, knowing it was best to go along so Misa didn't whine over anything.

"Ok, go!"

You walked into the centre and grabbed some watercolours and pencils. You went back to your easel and set everything up, you didn't mind this game, you quite liked drawing.

You just had to see who was opposite you.

You looked up to see your eyes met with L's, who was scanning you down.

Looks like you were drawing L, and was drawing you.

You scanned him down and took in all his features.

"L" you said, snapping him out of his daze of scanning you.


"Let me see your jawline"

He pulled his hair back and tilted his head toward you.

"Sharp, ok I know what I'm doing now"

You began to draw him, as he began to draw you. It was silent, everyone so focused on their drawings and paintings.

You decided on a full body picture, in his usual curled up position. Every so often someone would talk to their partner to get a reference of eyes or hair, but other than that it was silent.



"Let me see your top"

You stepped into view and saw him compare paint colours. You took the chance to compare colours for his jeans too.

"Hmm... it's more blue than black, ok thank you"

You stepped back to your picture and finished up all the colouring, shading and details. It took a while, but you eventually finished.


Misa walked over and took a look at your picture.

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L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant