BONUS DAY - L week - day 8

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Bonus day - first child

"I-I'm pregnant"

"You're pregnant? OH MY GOD (Y/N)!"

You were pulled into a tight hug by your husband. Well, at least he was happy.

"I cane believe this! I'm finally going to have a family!" He smiled.

"So... you're ok with it?"

"Of course I am!"

After that moment, you had a smooth pregnancy. Nine months went by so fast, nothing had gone wrong. That was until the week before you were due.


L dropped everything and rushed down the hall at the sound of your cries.

"What's going on?" He said.

"M-my water just broke!"

"YOUR WHAT- but there's still a week!"

"Apparently she's early... ow ow ow it hurts"

"Ok we're going to the hospital"

Yes, you went into labor early, it was a shock, you didn't expect it at all that's for sure. You were in labor for 7 hours, you probably broke L's hand from holding it to tight. After a pailful birth, you had successfully given birth to a healthy baby girl. You don't know who cried more, the baby or L. And that's what lead you here, a year later and your child has grown incredibly smart, incredibly fast. At only a year old she could talk She definitely took after L.

"Mummy! mummy!" Your daughter said, crawling over to you.

"Shhh, daddy's still asleep" You said.

Being a father had really worn L out.

"Sorry mummy, but guess what?"


"I read a book! All by myself!"

"Wow! Well done! I think that deserves a treat!"

"Yay! Thank you mummy"

Yep, she definitely had L's intelligence. She had his eyes too, but your hair and build. You walked over to the freezer and grabbed an ice cream from L's stash, taking one for yourself too.

"Don't tell daddy" you said, putting a finger over your lips.


You gave her the ice cream and she instantly dug into it, she definitely had L's sweet tooth too.

"Hey mummy? What's that book you're looking at?" She asked.

"It's a photo album, come here I'll show you"

She crawled over to you, being careful not to get ice cream everywhere.

"Is that you?" She asked, pointing to a picture of you when you were in high school.

"Yep, I was in high school then. And there's daddy, back when he lived at the orphanage" you said, pointing to a picture of L.

"You're both really small then, you're so tall now"

"I'm not that tall, you're just small"

She giggled and turned the page.

"Is that when you met dad?"

She pointed to a picture of you and L at the theme park you had your first date at, finishing her ice cream too.

"Yep, that was our first date in Japan, and here is us working on that really big case we told you about, when we first met" you said.

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now