Turn on part 2

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A/n: the the person who suggested this part 2, I love you. Also there will be a part 3


"Shhhh... you wanted this didn't you? No need to be so shy"

You kissed his neck and shuffled closer to him.

"I-its just... uh-"

"Let me guess, it's your first time huh?"

"Is it that obvious?" He asked.

"Honey, with your personality it's very easy to tell. But hey that's ok, I can teach you~"

You pulled him into a kiss and he let himself loose and had you lead him through the kiss.

You were completely wrapped up in the moment... COMPLETELY wrapped up in the moment...

The cold night air made the girl shiver as she walked down the halls, off to get a drink and a headache tablet.

"Jeez, I should have put a dressing gown on..." she said.

The blonde quietly opened the door to the next room and saw computer lights illuminate the area downstairs.

That's when she noticed it.

From the railing of the overhang, she noticed the man that suspects her as Kira and her best friend... full on making out in the sofa.

They didn't notice her as she stood there and watched in shock before coming to her senses and dashing behind a bookshelf to hide.

"No fucking way..." she whispered to herself.

She peeked around the corner of the self and watched the two otherwise lonely people becoming intimate. She knew she shouldn't be watching but she just couldn't help it! She'd never seen L or you show any signs of a relationship, this was all a massive shock to her.

She looked back again to find shirts had been left on the floor. And yet she couldn't look away, she was also shocked to know you had such a revealing bra, she didn't think you'd be into that style.

She watched as the detective played with your breasts, earning lewd moans from her.

She suddenly remembered why she got up in the first place and snuck into the other room to grab a drink finding none other than Light making coffee.

"Light! You won't BELIVE what's happening in the monitor room!" She said.

"Huh? Oh Misa. What's going on?" He replied.

"It's... just come look!"

She grabbed a bottle of water and her 'boyfriends' arm, pulling him quietly into the room and making him duck behind the shelf.


"SHHH! Look down there"

He carefully peeked around the corner and his eyes were met with you licking L's neck.

He jumped back and gave Misa a shocked look.

"What. The. Fuck" he whispered.

"I know!" Misa replied.

They both peeked around the corner again, only to find your shorts had left your body as you tried to pull off L's jeans.

"Maybe we should leave..." Misa said.

"No no no no no wait! I want to see who dominates"

"It'd be L, he's the guy"

"Yes but this is L were talking about"

"...shit, you're right"

And so they stayed.

Meanwhile, you were about to tear off L's boxers to expose his erection when you noticed something move on the overhang.

You leaned into L's ear.

"I think we're being watched" you whispered.

L glanced over to see the two kiras watching before leaning in to whisper to you.

"Should we leave? Or scare she shit out of them by being kinky as fuck" he laughed.

You smirked, the answer told him all he needed to know.

Time to do a little playing...

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя