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Warning: this is a little inappropriate.

Head canon: L knows where you hide all your secret 'things'.

L had been watching everyone over the cameras as they moved into HQ, just as a safety precaution. So far he'd seen nothing suspicious, that was until he saw you snooping around in your room.

It was about midnight, you want into the bathroom where there weren't any cameras for about an hour. He thought at first you may have been taking a bath,but you already had one that day. The he thought you may be sick, possibly throwing up.

But as time went on he began to think you were up to something.

Part of him was worried you were harming yourself, the rest worried you were snooping around with Kira business.

When you came out, you pulled something from your shirt and put it behind an open drawer, closing it so it was hidden inside the chest of drawers.

His mind instantly went into detective mode as he watched you get into bed to go to sleep.

'Why would she take an hour and twenty five minutes in there? She took a bath at 8:39 this morning, so why would she take another?

I guess if she was sick she may spend an extended time there, especially if she was throwing up. But she didn't seem distressed going into the bathroom and there are microphones in the cameras, if she was sick, I would have heard it. That also rules out any self harm, I would have heard that too, I would have heard her cry, and would have heard water running to clean any blood.

If it was Kira things she couldn't snoop that quietly. The only thing I heard was a few noises that indicated movement. Then there's whatever that thing was she was hiding...' he thought to himself.

This was out of character for you.

"What's she up to?" He mumbled to himself.

He should probably do a routine search on your room for anything suspicious.

He grabbed a pen and some paper, beginning to write some theories down.

"So sickness, harm and Kira are all ruled out... what would she be hiding. I've already concluded she isn't Kira, but is she's snooping then she may be trying to find something out..."

He scribbled down on the paper, connecting the dots.

"What would a girl hide? She knows there's cameras... she hides her top drawer because it contains all her undergarments which is fair enough. She hides her passwords, credit cards and any valuables which is also fair enough..."

He leaned his head on his hand and tapped the pen on the desk.

"What else would an average girl hide? A diary? Hmmm... is she on her? No that wouldn't take well over an hour..."

This was doing his head in.

"Well, I'll have to search her room anyway... but I should know what I'm getting myself into, wow I need to stop talking to myself"

He scribbled some more on the page, becoming stuck and tearing the paper in half out if frustration.

"A diary is likely... but that can't be all...unless..."

He looked over at your room on the monitors, you wee sleeping soundly looking innocent and vulnerable.

"She doesn't seem like the kind to own that though..."

He spun around in his chair and grabbed a starburst from his endless pile of candy.

"Well, all humans do strange things from the mid teens to mid adulthood, maybe she does hide it..."

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now