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Head canon: after playing chess, you always get a little mad when he wins, so you try to avoid him. He just finds your mini temper tantrums cute.

You started at your remaining pieces, you didn't have many, L had gotten rid of most of them as usual.

Chess was a suicide mission against him, but you knew you could beat him one day. ONE DAY. YOU WILL WIN.

You moved a piece, thinking it would be a safe move, but faster than you could say candy...



"If you had moved over to the right, you could have avoid that. You'd be cornered, but I'd have to move this piece and you'd be safe again" he explained.

You felt anger boil inside you. You ares losing, and this was the third time...

You clenched your fists.

"Fine. We've been playing for ages anyway it's time I got back to work" you said.

"I suppose you're right" he replied.

You got up and stormed back to your desk where you angrily began to type.

L just smiled and shook his head. He knew you'd gotten mad, but it was honestly kind of funny. It always happened when you played chess, he was used to it.

'Stupid L. I can't help that his IQ is 300 times mine...' you thought to yourself in frustration.

You knew that if he provoked you, your anger would be let out. You were going to stay away from him for the day.

L knew you'd do this though. Every time you do this, he'll let you have your way for a while, but then he likes to play the guilt trip card.

It's hilarious to him.

It was silent for a good long while. Until you heard L get up and stretch out his arms.

"Who wants coffee?" He said.

There were a few people that said yes.


Yes... but you were angry... so no.

"No" you mumbled.

"Suit yourself"

Eventually you started to smell the delicious coffee from the other room, it made you want some so bad.

'NO (y/n). That idiot keeps beating you... leave it' you thought.

You eventually had to leave the room to cool off. You sat in your room, still angry.

"WHY DOES HE ALWAYS WIN?! WHY IS HE SO SMART?!" You complained to yourself.

You rolled onto your pillows and stayed flopped over your bed, just lying there in frustration for hours.

After a while there was a knock on the door.


Goddamnit it was L.

"What?" You snapped.

"Are you coming out for dinner?"

It was that late?"


"Oh... ok..."

You felt a twinge in your heart. He sounded sad...


Meanwhile L was eating his cake and giggling to himself. You were so cute when you were angry, it was fun to play these games with you.

After a while he looked over at the clock.


About time to play with your emotions some more.

He walked up to your room and knocked on the door.

"What?" You sighed.

"Are you coming to watch anime again?" He asked.


"O-ok..." he replied, I'm a sad tone.

Damnit. He made you feel emotions...

You can't give in that easily. You won't. No. But... he sounded so sad...



You got up and creeped down the hall, you peaked around the corner to find him sadly watching your favourite show at the moment, an empty spot next to him where you usually sat.

"Damn him and his adorable face" you sighed.

You awkwardly walked over and sat next to him.

Victory for L.

You didn't say anything, just sat there on the other end of the sofa.

You head him move and glanced over so find him holding his arms out for you.

No. Don't do it (y/n). You don't need cuddles. You- fine.

You still didn't say anything, just leaned against him and let him wrap his arms around you.

Why were you such a softie for him.

He just smiled and started to laugh.

"Shut up"

L Lawliet x reader head-canons and oneshots • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now