Looking so perfect

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A/n: I don't even like 5sos but fuck this song has been in my head forever. So yes. This whole oneshot is a reference to she looks so perfect.

Head canon: when you disappear at taskforce, no one knows that the two of you are just being all soft for each other

You awoke in your room one sunny morning, sleepy and boiling hot, the air con not helping.

You sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning, you looked beside you to see L half handing off the bed, asleep having kicked the blankets off in the heat.

You smiled and got up, you walked over to the mirror, taking a look at your untameable bed hair.

It was so hot that you'd ditched your pjs and slept in your underwear. As did L, when you forced him to go to sleep, you also forced him to ditch the winter clothes he always wore.

But having nothing but a bra and panties covering you means you could see your tattoo, of L's logo. It was hidden under your shirt most of the time. It was the best drunken decision you ever made, you were thinking about getting it for years but were always too scared to actually get it. Add the alcohol and you ended up saying Fuck it and getting it.

You ran your fingers through your tangled hair and sighed. It was going to take a lot to brush that.

You suddenly saw L sleepily approach you in the mirror, he slipped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

"Hello insomniac" you said.

"Good morning" he said, sleepily in a cute morning voice.

"I told you, you definitely needed some sleep"

"Yeah whatever..."

You giggled at how tired he still was, not fully awake yet.

He looked up, his eyes meeting the mirror, his hands began to trace your tattoo, smiling as he did.

"Why are you like this?" He asked.

"Like what?"

"Perfect. Look at you, just standing there looking perfect"

"Me? Nah. Look at you. Looking so perfect in your American Apparel underwear"  you replied.

"No way, you're the cuter one here" he said.

"Nope, you're cuter"

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"Accept my prise L" you laughed.

"Accept MY praise (y/n)" he replied.

You turned to face him and crossed your arms, he mimicked you, crossing his arms too.

"What on earth makes you think I'm cuter? I mean LOOK AT YOU! You're a soft little bean with adorable eyebags, fluffy hair and the most beautiful smile. I'm inferior to you" you said, gesturing to him dramatically.

"You're superior to me (y/n). I mean LOOK AT YOUUU! You have pretty eyes, kissable lips and look at your face, so gorgeous. If anyone's inferior, it's me" he replied.

You picked up the pillow that had been kicked off the bed and whacked him with it.

"Hey! What th-"

"ACCEPT MY AFFECTION DAMNIT!" You exclaimed, hitting him with the pillow again.

He dodged the last hit and grabbed a pillow for himself.

"YOU. LOOK. SO. PERFECT. ACCEPT. MY. LOVE" he replied, hitting you with the pillow for each word.

The pillow fight of affection had broken out, the both of you running around the room throwing pillows at each other while yelling about how perfect the other was.

"YOU'RE SO PERFECT I HAVE A TATTOO OF YOUR LOGO!" You exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him.

"YOU'RE SO PERFECT YOU PULLED ME OUT OF DEPRESSION!" L yelled back, catching the pillow and throwing it at you.

Meanwhile, it was drawing further into the morning, leaving the taskforce to wonder where the hell you both were.

"Ok, it's been ages, where the hell are they?" Light said.

"Beats me" Misa replied.

"Hold on, I'm getting the camera monitors on" Aizawa jumped in.

Everyone turned to look at the screens as they turned on.

And there you were, on the biggest screen, throwing pillows at each other in your underwear, yelling about how cute you both were.

"What..?" Matsuda said.

"Awww..." Misa cooed.


You gave him a smirk, armed with two pillows. Reading your mind, L knew what as coming as you approached him.

"Wait- no-"

You dropped the pillows and pounced on him, knocking the both of you over. You sat on top of him and began to tickle him, sending him into hysterics.

"HAHAHA (Y/N) STOP!" He laughed.

"SAY YOU'RE CUTE!" You replied.



His sides starting to hurt from all the laughing, he caved.


You stopped the tickle torture and smiled down at him as he caught is breath.

"I hate you" he giggled.

"You love me"

"I do"

Misa watched the screen intensity, so captivated in your relationship.

"AWWW that's so cuuutteee!"

The rest of the taskforce looked like they'd just seen a ghost. L? Laughing? Emotion? Since when?

You pulled him to his feet, almost stumbling in the process.

"We better put some actual clothes on and get to work" you said.

"Yeah, the others are probably wondering where the hell we are"

Quickly, you pulled on your clothes and opened the door to your room, ready to leave.

As L pulled his shirt down, he gave you a smirk.

"I may be cute... but you're cuter"


He ran out the door, you chasing him down the hall.

The taskforce heard your heavy running footsteps upstairs and suddenly saw L run through the room into the next hall.

Not even second later you ran through.

"ACCEPT MY LOVE!" You yelled after him.

The taskforce just watched in silence.

Suddenly there was a thump, followed by more laugher.

"ACCEPT IT!" Your voice yelled.


L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now