L's worst nightmare

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A/n: Slightly NSFW. Also I've noticed people are staring to call their readers things. So what should I call my little group of readers? Any suggestions? Maybe something to do with death note, otherwise I'll call you my frens.

Head canon: the one place L just can't stand is any kind of club. But guess you has to pick your drunk ass up? Even worse, dealing with you drunk. It's funny for a while until you get loopy and hard to handle.

"Oh my god why?"

Everyone turned to look at the detective who had been quiet all day.

"What's wrong?" Matsuda asked.

"Light just messaged me saying he's too drunk to drive and is going to walk Misa home but apparently (y/n) is absolutely smashed and I have to pick her up..." L explained.

"Oh lord... have fun trying to get her back here"

L sighed and grabbed the car keys. He hated clubs, that's why he refused Misa's offer to go with you all. He did trust you to go clubbing, even if you were drunk you'd still attack any man that tried to touch you that wasn't L, it's happened before.

He parked as close to the entrance as he could so it was easier to get you drunk ass into the car. He had to show ID, luckily he had a fake one on him and now he had to find you.

It was too noisy and full of drunk people and he hated it.

He found light at the bar downing some beer.

"Alright where is she?" He asked.

Light jumped and turned to L.

"With Misa, going crazy" Light slurred.

He looked over onto the dance floor and there you were dancing with Misa like a total slut with a shot glass in your hand.

"Oh for fuck sakes..."

He pushed through the crowd and grabbed your hand.

"Come on (y/n), let's go" he said.

"BABY! You've decided to join the party huh? Come on take some shots with me!" You laughed.

"No (y/n) we're going home"

"But lawliiiippooppp, it's only midnight!" You whined.

"Exactly, come on we're going home"

"Aw your no fun Ryuzaki!" Misa said.

"Lights taking you home too you know?"

"Yeah yeah that's later, come ooonnn ryu! Stop being a detective for one and let loose!" She said.

"No, now come on (y/n)"

He pulled you off the floor and you waved to Misa. He took your alcohol off you and pulled your arm over his shoulder to stop you stumbling around.

You laughed like an idiot as he pulled you out of the club.

"Haha ok so hahah me and Misa had a twerking contest right and hahah I obviously won because I've got a booty to die for so she had to buy me some whiskey" you laughed.

L tried to remain serious and not laugh at your drunken comment as he managed to get you into the car.

He's seen you drunk before, you turn into an absolute hoe. But a loyal one, you don't go sleeping around, you don't flirt with other guys, it's just a bit of fun and it's honestly hilarious to him.

"Ok, just calm down and sit still"

You were so smashed. He buckled up your seatbelt and got into the drivers seat. And off you went, on the way back to taskforce.

L Lawliet x reader oneshots 1 // Series 2 • DEATH NOTE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now