36) Armani moves back

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It's been weeks since the funeral and Lupin has not exactly been the same sense, but she is starting to get around easier since Victor's death and Liam and I well we are still the same as we were but maybe a bit closer than we was and honestly, I want to give the relationship a go but not until things settle down after Victor's death.

Everyone was still mourning him after all oh and before I forget Lupin found her mate last week.

It's some guy named Levi and he is the beta of Riverstone, but she hasn't moved in with him, yet they are taking things slow.

So here I was sitting on my bed with Knight of course you all should know he never leaves my side.

Thinking about what the future is not really something I like to do, and I know I'll have to eventually but I'm not one of those guys who likes to talk about their future and end up worrying about it later on.

I rather focus on what's happening right now and live in the present not in the future like all these other wolves seem to do.

You see most wolves mate right away but with me that's not an option I'm not ready to be mated just yet and I am certainly not ready for pups.

Don't get me wrong I love kids but it's just not time for me yet.

I basically am still getting to know Liam and my father also trying to get to know my mother Armani after we finally made up.

I mean it's a lot especially since Victor and Nala died, they were a part of my life, and they were my family it's hard to move on without them.

After a few moments of silence, I heard a knock on my door. So, I got off my bed to open the door and there standing was Liam. "Come in" I said as I walked back to sit on my bed.

He followed me to the bed and sat on the edge just a few inches from me with Knight in between us. "How are you holding up"? He asked while petting Knight.

"I'm getting there" I told him, but the truth was I was fine, but I didn't want him to know that.

"How's Lupin" he asked in the blue. "She's fine I think she's thinking about moving to her mate's next week" I replied. "Really that's great" he said, and I smiled at that.

I heard a knock on the door and knowing it was already open I looked up to see mom.

"I'll give you two some girl time I'll be in the training area" Liam said before leaving.

Mom came over and took the spot where Liam was sitting and took a big sigh before speaking "I'm moving back with Alan" she finally managed to say.

"What" I said out of shock. "Honey it's time for me to go back home Alan misses me as much as I miss him, I only was living here to help with the war but now that it's over" she told me.

"But mom, dad and I" she interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"Sweetie as much as I adore your dad and love being here with you this is not my home it's yours and Micros honey you deserve to be with your father but it's time for me to be with Alan, your father and I aren't mated I'm mated to Alan as he is with Mia okay I got to go home but you are welcome to stay anytime you like Alan would not mind at all" she told me.

I looked at her and nodded slowly with an understanding look. "Do you have everything packed"? I asked her with a concerned look.

"Yea honey I do it's in Alan's car he's outside waiting I should get going" she said.

"Okay bye mom see you soon" I told her. "Bye sweetie, visit anytime you like" she told me before she got up and left. Then with that it was just me and Knight relaxing on the bed.

 Then with that it was just me and Knight relaxing on the bed

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