30) they talk

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I was walking down the hall toward my bedroom with my head pondering with questions that I may or may not want answered.

I was about to walk into my room before someone stopped me.

"Madi" the voice said, and I recognized it to be Liam's.

I turned around to face him looking at him directly in the eyes and asked him "what Liam what could you possibly lie to me about now after all I did tell you my huge secret that I'm oh I don't know not human".

"I didn't know you were the complex and I didn't know that you were Micro's daughter who got taken away how was I supposed to know".

Oh, I don't know say hey I'm a Quire or something like that instead of lying to me in my face".

Madi your scent has been killing me since I met you my wolf wants to mate you but it's too soon a battle is coming up now is not the time don't you think".

"I make my own decisions Liam I done it for 17 years now and may I remind you Nala is dead and I'm the only complex here cause my sister is back with Victor keeping the pack in control so don't you dare think I can't handle it cause I can assure you that I can I am doing a fine job without you and everyone else so until your man enough to apologize or to accept me for who I am never speak to me again for it " .

As I said those last few words I stormed into my bedroom locking it behind me and then I flipped onto my bed thinking of what just happened my mate is here and he doesn't want to accept me yet but the thing is we are way too different sometimes I wonder why I got paired up with him but I know the moon goddess or whoever never makes a mistake so there has to be a reason behind it but what.

I was lying flat on my bed petting Knight when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in its open I said, and it flew open revealing dad he then closed the door behind him sitting on the foot of the bed.

"Mind telling your old man what's up" he said. I sighed and said Liam is my mate and he mentioned no word of being here after I told him who I was but still I know nothing about him even when I went to that school Victor and Nala enrolled me in".

I gulped while saying her name and dad seemed to notice.

"Look I know it's hard right now but it will get better right now we need to focus on the guys who killed Nala but let me tell you a little something about your mate he didn't tell you because I guess it's hard for him his parents used to beat him for no reason they made up excuses so he doesn't show emotion well and when he did his best friend turned on him and stole his girl whom he was dating before he met you he's just scared give him time okay".

I nodded at the shocking news I heard no wonder it's hard to get close to him I thought and then dad left leaving me on thinking about Liam and the battle that would answer my question on who killed Nala when I was supposed to die and why were they after me.

I will not stop until I find the guy and the answers I need to know and nothing or no one can stop me from my choice this is my life my blood my pack and my battle.

As long as I'm here no one is getting hurt cause of me I will end this for once and for all as long as it takes.

As long as I'm here no one is getting hurt cause of me I will end this for once and for all as long as it takes

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