35) Saying goodbye... again

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It's been a couple days since Victor's death and since the war happened. His funeral was today, and Lupin has been more depressed than ever.

I couldn't blame her Victor was the only dad she ever had just like Nala was the only mom she ever had, and not only did she lose one parent, but she lost then both.

Before she found me along with Nala and Victor, she was basically living on the streets with no home to go to but then she found us and a home even a mom and a dad but now her mom and dad are gone I mean sure Armani is her biological mom, but she is nothing like Nala.

She was sleeping beside me because she needed comfort and being her sister, I was the best person for her.

Dad offered for her to move in the pack house and there's a room beside mine she could stay in, and she gladly agreed to move in plus it's a way for us to see each other more and to bond better.

She just crashed in my room last night after crying all night and I just let her stay there plus we're sisters and we need each other more than ever before.

There were a couple knocks on the door and it immediately told me it was dad remembering our secret knock we made together when I first moved in here.

I told him to come in and he did. "How is she" he asked me.

"She's doing better but not the best" I told him. He nodded at me and said, "we have to go in a few are you guys ready for that".

"We'll have to be" I told him. He nodded and said, "find me when you're ready to leave".

I nodded at him as he left my room, and I slowly shook Lupin awake. She fluttered her eyes before opening them fully and then she turned to me still looking puffy as ever before.

"Morning sleepyhead" I told her. She looked at me fully awake and said "morning".

"Not to ruin the moment or anything but dad says we need to get ready it's almost time" I told her.

She looked at me and nodded before heading off to her room to get ready.

I sighed before getting up from my bed to get ready myself, but I knew it was going to be hard for her more than it was for me, so I just reminded myself to be there for her.

Everyone was gathered up at the funeral and like Nala's all of the wolf packs families' friends were all here worshipping him just like he wanted.

Lupin cried through most of the funeral but that's understandable so I just let her lay her head on my shoulder as I rubbed her back while the funeral went on and Liam was sitting next to us as well probably trying to provide comfort as best as he could.

I don't know how it happened, but Liam and I been getting close, and it got me thinking maybe it's about time we start our destiny but let's wait on that till all of what has happened blows over.

"Everyone " Victor's beta started as we all listened.

"We are here today to celebrate the life of Victor Sanders and how he sacrificed his life for us so that we could grow and have a beautiful family just like he did, he raised two beautiful girls and they grew up to be two powerful women" he said as he gestured to me, and Lupin and I gave him a small smile in return.

He noticed and continued on with his speech. "Victor was a brave man and selfless just like his lover Nala but they were different in many ways and I know this because not only was he my alpha but he was my best friend in fact we grew up together and yes I am truly devastated that he is gone but I know for a fact that he is up there watching us knowing we will make the right decisions as we move on with our life and now with that I ask all of you instead of mourning let's celebrate how Victor sacrificed everything for us just so we could grow and have a beautiful life just like he wanted" he said as he finished his speech.

"Bye Victor thanks for everything I said quietly". Lupin heard me and said, "bye dad thanks for everything you have done for us".

I smiled at her as I pulled her closer leaning my head against hers.

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