7) Liam

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Knight and I was walking through the woods he could tell I was out of it cause my eyes sometimes turn when I'm angry or upset and then we sat down for a little bit so I could take all of this in.

Then I saw a familiar face from school or prison in my words exact.

He walked towards me and saw Knight beside me and backed away as he was frightened. I told Knight it was okay, and Knight laid in a way that was less erm.... frightening I suppose.

I asked Liam what he was doing here. He said he walks past here every day and asked what I was doing here.

I couldn't tell him the full story, so I told him that I needed to cool off from what I found out about myself and my family. He asked what was up in that sweet way he always does.

Dang it no Madison bad Madison he's just a boy toy you will not like him as I kept telling myself.

I managed to focus and told Liam that I just found out that I was adopted.

He told me that wow, but they probably just thought it was too hard for them to tell me, but little did he know my adoptive mother had to run away to keep me safe.

We ended up talking for a while and he actually is a nice guy in a non-disgusting human being kind of way.

But he managed to help me keep my calm, so I owed him one and how I did that was we worked on our project as then went out to the disgusting food he calls delicious.

When we were eating, I swear I heard mum call my name, but I didn't want him to know that I was raised by wolves or who would have known what he would have done.

So, I kept it to myself and tried to eat that slob and continued talking before we went back to our project.

Then I heard it again and again the sound of mum's voice is she back?

Then I heard it again and again the sound of mum's voice is she back?

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