24) Micro's proposal

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I was sitting by the lake at my safe place thinking about everything that happened to me and how terribly I missed my best friend who I met when I ran away to protect the pack.

How my biological mom lies to me and kept me away from my dad who wanted me and has been searching for me all these 17 years.

How I miss back when it was easier when I knew about none of this and how badly I want to know my biological father even though Nala and Victor raised me since I was left in the woods but they didn't know the real story they just knew the story in the book and the one Armani told them and even though they're not my actual parents their still my family and I love them but I need to know more about my birth father and who I am maybe even where I come from.

I need to know more about my quire side of me that Armani kept away from me but how is the question.

I asked myself that over and over until Micro well dad came up to me and sat next to me.

I asked him how he knew I was here, and he told me that he used to come here all the time when he was younger to take his mind off things.

I guess that's one thing we have in common I told him. He smiled a little at me and I noticed that we had the same smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

He told me he had a proposal, but I didn't have to be pressured to agree to it, it was completely up to me.

I looked at him with a confused face until he finally spoke up and suggested I live with him for a while or for as long I want to.

He said it be a great way to get to know him and the quires better also how the war began, and I could get to know Lena my stepmother I'm guessing.

I thought about it for a minute, but I agreed anyways, and he said that he found Akira before coming here and offered for her to live there as well and he knew she was my best friend and that I missed her.

I gave him a big smile and thanked him as he smiled back, and I told him that I wasn't ready to face Armani right now and he understood so we just told Victor, Nala, Lupin, and my old pack about the proposal that I agreed to and even tho Victor and Nala was sad about it they understood that I needed to be with my father now that I have found him.

With that we headed off to where Micro well erm dad and I live now but I promised Knight I would visit him as much as possible and before I knew it, I was starting to feel whole again.

With that we headed off to where Micro well erm dad and I live now but I promised Knight I would visit him as much as possible and before I knew it, I was starting to feel whole again

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