"I'd have to carefully think about that. Until then, feel free to call this your home. Whatever you need will be acquired. Every Wednesday at six The Ministry meets here to discuss normal business. Your presence would be greatly noted and appreciated," Roman announced, quickly changing the subject.

"I'll be here. I want to see my sister. Unless I'm a prisoner here?"

"Come and go as you please," Roman said formally.

I laid all my cards on the table for Roman, and I still didn't have an answer. And I didn't know if I had time to be playing these games with him. But first things first, I need to find Damon.

Without even thinking, I teleported back to Damon's house in the Maldives. The house was spotless, like nothing had even happened here. I stood in the living room confused, "Damon! Cecilia! Alaric!"

No answer. Damon? I cried out mentally. Nothing. Phone! I needed to find my phone! Then I could call someone. Anyone.

I didn't waste time walking, I teleported into my room tearing it apart looking for my cell phone. But it was nowhere to be found. Okay, okay, okay, they have to be at Haven. I'll just go there, and I will eventually run into someone I know. I teleported to Haven only to end up at the front gate. Not this bullshit! Not now!

I pushed against the invisible force field only to be shocked away, "What the hell?!" I pushed against the gate again only to be shocked harder this time. The jolt was so surprising I fell back and landed on my ass, "Oh come on!"

Why can't I get in? What's wrong with me?

I stood up and called up my elements. They still work, but I couldn't get into Haven. I knew the school was still there behind this fog of smoke and gate.

Damon? I called out as a desperate plead. I was truly kicked out. What do I do now?

"Anson!" I exclaimed. I'll just go who is house borrow his phone and... Do what? I don't know the number.


I can ask him to deliver a message. But there was a chance it would end up getting back to Roman and I was trying to get him to trust me. Fraternizing with 'the enemy' wouldn't be a good look to him.

I needed someone who could bypass this barrier or send a message to Damon, someone who was bipartisan, who didn't care about The Order or The Brotherhood.

And then it hit me like a brick upside the head. I quickly teleported back to my room in the Maldives finding a pair of red and white Converse shoes, my wallet and a grey parka jacket.

God, I hope this gets her attention.

And teleported right behind Picasso's Coffee House. Here goes nothing. I quickly snaked my way around to the front of the building and made my way inside.

I slowly scanned the mostly empty room until I found him. Sitting at a small table with coffee in one hand and a tablet in the other. He had a chic lumbersexual style to him today with his blue jeans, white T-shirt and plaid shirt.

Jake? Jessie? Shit, I didn't remember his name! Abort! Abort!

Before I could retreat, I made eye contact with the man Aphrodite tried to drag me away from. He smiled genuinely and waved me over to him, "Hey, come sit."

I shouldn't. This was stupid, there had to be a way for me to get into Haven or communicate with Damon somehow. I just didn't have any ideas at the moment. I gave him a small smile and waved as I made my way over to him, "Do you care if I sit?" I said pointing to the empty chair across from him.

Bonded (The Olympus Brotherhood #2)Where stories live. Discover now