Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)

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"Hold up. Could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel's got a bit of a schnoz. I mean, I wouldn't know because, like Medusa, I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things that we wouldn't change about ourselves?" Santana said as everyone made a face "I'm sure that Sam's been at the doctor's office and rifled through pamphlets on mouth reduction," Santana said as Sam covered his lips as Quinn wrapped a supportive arm around him knowing how much of an insecurity his mouth was. "I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyways," Santana said as Artie looked back at her annoyed "And I'm definitely sure that Tina's looked into getting an eye de-slanting," Santana shrugged as everyone looked back at her annoyed. "That's extraordinarily racist," Tina said. "I'm keepin' it real," Santana shrugged. "Sorry, Santana. I'm a beautiful person. I'm in love with myself, and I would never change a thing," Tina said. "Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina?" Mike asked Tina as her murmured "Self-hating Asian." "Not many Asian sex symbols, Mike. I'm just trying to be in fashion and mirror what I see in the magazines," Tina shrugged. "My dancing kind of bothers me but I like the way I look," Finn shrugged as Santana made a face. "Oh, please. You have weird, puffy pyramid nipples. They look like they're filled with custard," Santana said coldly as Sam tried to look at Finn's nipples but Finn slapped him away. "You could dust them with powdered sugar and they could pass for some sort of dessert. Look, maybe Rachel's fine with having an enormous beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is that if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it," Santana shrugged.

"Like you did when you got a boob job?" Quinn shot back at Santana. "Why yes Bristol Palin that's exactly what I'm talking about. Besides, there's nothing you can do about having your bastard child last year," Santana smirked as Quinn looked ready to fight Santana as Mr. Schue interrupted. "Whoa, guys. I'm really shocked at what I'm hearing here. It goes against everything the glee club stands for. I'm telling you, the thing you would most like to change about yourself is the most interesting part of you," Mr. Schue said to all of them seriously. "Well, maybe, but at this school, the thing that makes you different is the thing people use to crush your spirit," Mercedes said as Mr. Schue couldn't help but look at all of the New Directions worriedly as Rachel took her seat.

Cut to Will and Emma in Emma's office as they are cleaning off the grapes. "Rachel's a beautiful girl. She doesn't need a nose job. Saying that she's doing it to enrich her talent is just a convenient excuse to deal with the fact that she's insecure about how she looks," Will sighed. "Most of the adults we know have trouble embracing their eccentricities, so how can we expect kids to?" Emma said honestly. "Well, then, it should be our job to help them. I don't want my legacy as a teacher to be conjugated verbs and Glee Club trophies. I want to help them love themselves for who they are, warts and all-Especially warts," Will said as Emma was examining the grapes. "How long do we have to do this for?" Will asked Emma. "Until they're all clean," Emma said matter of factly. "I mean, I'm really enjoying helping you with your OCD but shouldn't we be figuring out some techniques you can use to eat your food without scrubbing it?" Will asked. "You mean with germs and pesticides all over it?" Emma frowned. "No, I mean, really deal with your issues on this stuff," Will explained. "Will, I've tried, you know, and I... I may not have been born this way, but this is my lot in life. There's nothing I can do about it," Emma sighed as that gave Will an idea for this week's lesson. "Thank you," Will smiled. "What for?" Emma asked. "I know how I'm going to get the kids to accept what their differences are–By using their two favorite teachers: Me and Gaga...but I'm gonna need your help," Will said as Emma smiled a bit wanting to help Will any way she could.

Cut to the hallway where Rachel approaches Quinn. "Quinn...can I talk to you?" Rachel asked. "Sure," Quinn said as she walked with Rachel down the hall as she sighed. "Look, I know this is weird of me to ask of you but I was wondering if you'd accompany me to the doctor's office for some photos so I could see what I would look like if I got your nose," Rachel said. "You're serious about getting this nose job?" Quinn said shocked. "Of course I am. Quinn, we all know every guy stops and stares at you because you are the prettiest girl here. For once in my life I want to feel like a pretty girl. I want to look like you," Rachel sighed as Quinn was stunned. It meant so much to her that Rachel wanted to be more like her but there was a part of her that wanted to tell Rachel that she was beautiful just the way she was. "I'll do it," Quinn smiled as Rachel giggled as she hugged Quinn tight. Quinn smiled back a little unsure if she had made the right choice in deciding to help Rachel.

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