Section 11.4 of Chapter 11: Third Day of the Games

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11.4- In the forest by the highway-The 100:

         Bellamy Blake woke up still on a boat. He had escaped from the dreadful Perdido Beach school nightmare, and had seen Clarke's face when the dead were announced at the end of the night. He had screamed, he had stamped out his frustration, cried out his grief, but when he knew that it would not bring Clarke, his Clarke back, he gave in to resignation and collapsed from the grief. Here, he realized the Portal had not only taken himself and the other Tributes, but had also taken the boat. Good thing too, because he had landed in a lake. He saw the other boats of other Tributes around him and he knew that one of them had killed his love in the school while he had been stuck trying to find her in the dark. Bellamy knew as soon as the boats washed ashore, the fighting would begin. Luckily, he saw that his boat, which was electric still had enough power to make it back to shore before the others, and he would have a head start at killing everyone, for one of them was bound to have killed Clarke. No sooner did he have this thought that the boat started spluttering water as it stalled. He was still a good length away from the land, and he let out a grunt of frustration as he got up and saw that all the other boats, which happened to be running on electricity had stopped too. Houses on the lakeshore did not have light, and it looked like street lamps were out too. 'What had happened??', Bellamy thought. Suddenly, Bellamy heard a roaring from out in the distance. He turned towards shore instinctively, because he had already seen one tsunami to know how to expect another. While they were stalled, an earthquake had shaken deep below the ground, but the lake was deep too. Bellamy winced and turned around, pushing his hair out of his face so that he could see better. Without a doubt, there was a massive wave approaching. It curled as it grew in size, and the boats immediately started shaking as the force of the wave was that powerful. When he saw that the wave was about to break, he yelled to the other Tributes to get inside their boat. They obliged, heading into their proper cabins, and the water reached them, propelling them towards shore. It didn't take much time for the water to uproot trees and destroy everything in its path. Bellamy managed a peek outside his window to see debris and bodies swirling in the water around him. None were Tributes. When the water had finished making its path, it started sucking whatever it carried to sea. The Tributes, including Bellamy, had the wits to jump out of the boats just before that, and onto open floors of buildings still standing. At this point they were so far inland that this would have been in a hospital next to a forest. They made it one by one into the broken windows of a fifth story landing in the hospital. But incredibly enough, they were not the only ones this time. To this point in the games, all other (non-zombified) humans had been vacated from wherever they were, but in this arena, it seems that the humans had stayed. And the ones that had survived the waves were now huddled in there. Bellamy sighed a sigh of relief in seeing that no one looked outright infectious, just spreading their stories of surviving the earthquake. It was evident what the earthquake had done, as hospital beds and counters and such were upended. The chairs had been crushed by the collapse of parts of the ceiling, so everyone was either huddled in blankets on the pieces of ceiling or on the ground. There were red stains underneath the ceiling that Bellamy did not want to know about, but it looked as if the people were okay. Simply put, they were not. The silence was so loud. The lights started to flicker, and it seemed that they could not control their coughs anyway as the effort to hide their sickness became too much. One girl made her way forward, with green eyes, and they started to turn red. Soon, everyone's eyes started to turn red as they coughed and coughed and coughed. It was like a Plague, and it spread. Bellamy knew he had to get out fast before he was infected, and it looked like other Tributes had the same idea as they started running through the hall. One side of the hospital was still very much flooded, the other had plague-infected victims but possible safety in the forest the hospital was next to. Bellamy decided to take that chance, as he stumbled towards a gurney that was miraculously still upright. He felt pity for the victims, but there was nothing he could do for them, so he climbed on top and pushed off. The picture window on the other side was already shattered by the Tributes that had jumped out, and Bellamy decided it was best to ride it out. He fell out the window, and to his surprise landed on a soft bed of leaves. 'What luck', Bellamy thought. He knew it was time for a manhunt now, and he was "it", a Manhunter now. Bellamy decided the best course of action was to pick off anyone he could find before they did him, so he was ready to venture in the woods to hunt. He saw something in the distance, and hid in the bushes as he stumbled upon what seemed like an abandoned military base. Only it was not abandoned, he noted, as a bell went off and soldiers appeared and formed quick ranks to march in. Bellamy gasped in surprise, and one of the commanders heard him. They moved closer to where he was hiding, and then lunged for him. Bellamy got up, and tried to take aim with his gun, but he was clubbed from behind. Bellamy groaned and fell over. When he woke up, he saw that he was in a white room and there were military personnel around them. The one Bellamy had tried to shoot was tied up in a chair on the other side of the room, and Bellamy was tied up in front of the other man. The man who was tied up was struggling in his chair, and one of the soldiers came up behind Bellamy and then forced a monitor down in front of his eyes. Through the screen, Bellamy could see the man he had tried to kill was not human, but rather had a sort of parasite in his brain. It was wrong. It was not us. It was Other. Bellamy instantly spit, and the soldier behind him was satisfied. Bellamy had thought they would try to trick him, and expected this. He figured the image on the screen had the alien added in, and the ones around him were the real Others. He picked the ropes off his hand, then when the soldier came to remove the monitor, he hit them and took their gun. He shot a few, and was right when their blood was a paler colour than ours. He ran for it, out through the winding hallways, passing military personnel, and made his way out of the compound. Before he knew it, the entire facility was ripped apart by a massive wildfire. Bellamy landed on the ground after being thrown from the impact, and woke up to see figures running from the flames into the forest. They were the other Tributes, but Bellamy recognized one and only focused on one. Julian Blackthorn. Since Emma Carstairs had killed Clarke, his Clarke, Bellamy had to kill Julian. It was only fair. So he ran after him, and managed to catch up. Meanwhile, the forest started to burn from the flames behind Bellamy, so he had no chance but to keep going. He caught Julian by surprise as he jumped him, and Julian had to roll to avoid hitting a tree stump. The fire was spreading quickly through the forest now. Wildfire. Bellamy noticed there was a flaming branch about to fall, and he stepped towards Julian aggressively. Instinctively, Julian stepped back, and the branch fell on him. Bellamy turned and ran away as the cannon shot sounded, his score considered even. He looked back to see the body on fire, and tripped in between two rocks which happened to contain a Portal.


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