Section 5.5 of Chapter 5: Departures and Travels

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5.5 - Yet again at Bag End-LOTR:

The party had now begun, and invitees and even unexpected guests were pouring in to see the festivities that were being thrown for Sam and Tauriel. Both of them being famous, as well as being different races attributed to a lot more guests than Bilbo's mainly Hobbit party all those years ago. You had Elves, Dwarves, and Men taking part, as well as Eagles watching from above. And who could forget Gandalf the White? He had his famous fireworks with him, the ones adding up to his reputation being a wizard at fireworks. As people of all kinds laughed and danced around, there were all kinds of drinks (especially mead, ale, and wine) being handed out, and banquet tables filled with all sorts of food! Local Hobbits chose the catering, and they especially loved cheeses, breads, fruits, meats, and so much more! After their meals and dances were over, they waited for Sam and Tauriel to give closing remarks. The hosts of the party did just that, and went to stand on the raised platform. "My dear Hobbits, and Elves, and Dwarves, and Men, and Eagles, and Wizards! To you I say: Welcome, welcome!", Sam said. As the crowd cheered, Tauriel smiled and gestured for the applause and shouts to subside before saying "It is an honour to represent you in the upcoming Games, and we shall prevail and bring back the treasures which are RIGHTFULLY ours!" Even more cheers followed this, and Gandalf, who was off to the side, shot the Sackville-Bagginses a look. This time Sam stepped up to quiet everyone, and yelled "Now let's forget the dark games to come. Well now what are you waiting for my friends? This is a party! Gandalf, let's lighten things up, shall we?", giving Gandalf a wink. Mere moments later, the sky was shattered with fireworks of massive caliber, so bright that they could be seen from far-off, and the party was back to full strength as various scenes played out by the fireworks forming shapes. "YEAH!!!" screamed Merry and Pippin as they went off to light fireworks themselves. Meanwhile Gandalf, Tauriel, and Sam watched on, and thought the same thing 'Some things never change'.


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