Ch. 3

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               By the time Roman had reached the hotel room and sat Marie on the bed, she had started to come around. "Joe-Joe?" Came a gruff voice as Roman turned around from putting his bag down. "Hey little shadow." He whispered as he sat on the edge of the bed, helping her to sit up. "I haven't heard that nickname in years." She said sitting up and rubbing her fist against her eyes to wake herself up more. "I was worried about you. You wanna tell me what happened?" Roman asked holding her hand. She closed her eyes for a moment before gripping his hand tighter. "I was doing fine in Alaska. I loved it there." She started off. Roman nodded his head, remembering all the times they had talked and she had mentioned that. "As you know I had been living there for about 3 years already." He nodded. "Last year though something changed. I started getting strange letters on the mail. All hand written and no mailers addressed. They must have been hand delivered too." She sighed. "Next I started to receive strange phone calls. A males voice was telling me how beautiful I was. How he loved the way I did things. Small things, like walking to my car or playing with my cat." When she looked at Roman she was almost in tears. "He started getting aggressive in his phone calls. I had blocked him every time he got a new number. I stopped having mail delivered to my mailbox and instead I got a box at the post office. He was waiting on the front steps. I didn't know who he was till he opened his mouth. I had heard that voice enough times over the phone to know who he was. It was him Joe!(I was serious writing this and then I spelt his name as Hoe instead of Joe!) He was at my house, on my front porch!" She yelled, releasing his hand and pulling herself into a small ball. "He wanted to come in and talk. He tried to come near me and I panicked. I told him to leave or I'll call the police. He got mad and said""You'll be sorry"" it scared me so I got in my car and headed to the sheriff's station. When I got there and told them what had been happening, they followed me back to the house. They told me they would keep an eye out for the next few days to make sure he didn't come back. About 2 nights later he came again. He walked right up to the front door and knocked as though I invited him!" Roman clenched his fists in anger. "He said he only had a few minutes before the sheriff made his next round around the house. He tried to give me a card and a thing of flowers. When I didn't take them he threw them at me and took off. When the sheriff came around the corner I ran to tell him what happened. What the boy didn't know was that the day before he came I had bought a new security camera. It had caught him showing up at my house so I took it to the sheriff's office to show him so that he could arrest him. After he watched the video he dared to laugh. He told me that the boys name was Eric. That he was a high school boy who is friends with his own son. He said that Eric meant no harm and only had a crush and didn't know how to go about it right! I couldn't believe him! This boy had invaded my privacy, my life, and he had just laughed it off as if it meant nothing!!!" By now she had started crying and the rears just wouldn't stop. "When I got back from the sheriff's office, I immediately went in. When I turned around he was standing right there! He was in my home! When he came towards me I grabbed my keys between my knuckles and slashed at him. I got him in the face and ran out the door. I got in my car and drove. I headed to the pier and with the money I could pull out of the ATM I bought a ferry ticket to Washington. When I got there I immediately came looking for you. I had to check the WWE app to find your next stop." Romans heart was broken. His precious sister went through so much and he had no idea. "Why didn't you tell me all of this was happening? I could have been there to help you." She sighed." I don't know. You're just so busy. Your career is picking up. They're giving you a huge push recently. I-I didn't want to ruin that for you." "Oh my little shadow. You're my sister. I'm always gonna be there when you need me, no matter what. Do you hear me?" He wrapped her up in a big hug and held her close. "I love you, my little shadow." "I love you too Joe-Joe."  

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