Yoongi's Past (pt.2)

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2 years later Yoongi's dad got married to his assistance. Yoongi wanted to reject at the alter but when he wanted to speak something stop him. It was like air got stuck in his throat. The maids and the other workers weren't thrilled about their "new mistress." she was mean to them and treated them like crap. The only thing that stops them from leaving was Yoongi. They wanted to stay by his side. 

(7 years later)

Yoongi age: 14

Yoongi now had a little stuck up annoying brat step-sister and Yoongi's father it was time that Yoongi started to prepare taking over the business but Yoongi didn't want too. He wanted to write music and tattooing but his father didn't care what he wanted to do.

"Yoongi, Let's go!" Yelled Mr.Min from the bottom of the stairwell. Today Yoongi and the rest of them were meeting up with some business partners.

"I'm not going!" Yoongi yelled. He stood at the top of the stairwell and peered down at his father.

"Yoongi...we don't have time for this. Your mother and-" before his father could finish what he was saying Yoongi cut him off.

"She is NOT my mother!" Yoongi yelled. His father's face was painted with madness. "MY MOTHER DIED 10 YEARS AGO! BUT OF COURSE, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW BECAUSE YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT HER! YOU DIDN'T EVEN COME TO HER FUNERAL, YOU DIDN'T EVEN COME TO YOUR WIFES FUNERAL! ONE THING THAT HURTS LIKE HELL, IS THAT YOU GAVE THE PERSON WHO WAS JUST SUPPOSE TO BE YOUR ASSISTANCE, HER RING! YOU DIDN'T CARE, YOU NEVER DID!" Yoongi yelled at his father. There was nothing but silence between the two. Yoongis "new mother" came back into the mansion. She could tell that there was some tension in the air. Neither of them even spared her a glance.

"Um...we have to go. Did something...happen?" She asks. Mr.Min was about to answer but before he could Yoongi said something.

"You know what hurts the most?" he asks. " The fact that you're my dad," he said before walking away back to his room. Yoongi sat at his work desk and took a deep breath. He felt relieved, like all the pain and hurt that had built up was finally gone. Sensung, Yoongi's maid, who was now in her mid 30's, came into Yoongis room. She locks the door before walking over to the boy she had watch grew up. She rested her hand on his shoulder, Yoongi got up and hugged her. Sensung, hugged him back, stroke his hair, and whispered soft comforting words in his ear as he cried.

(The next day)

Yoongi and Sensung left the mansion. They walk up a hill and stop. Today was the day that Yoongi's mom died. They buried her on top of a hill. Yoongi place white lilies on top of his mothers grave, they were her favorite flowers. Sensung and Yoongi both cried. They miss her so much. They talk about all the good times with her and how much she loved her. When the sun started to come up it was time to go. Before Yoongi walks back down the hill he turned and look at his mothers grave. He remembered the words his mother told him. Tears streamed down his eyes. He whispered the words, "I love you." before drying his tears and walking down the hill.

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