A Day With Yoongi (pt.3)

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(Starts with Yoongi finishing telling Tae his past)

"Wow...I didn't know that. Sorry, Yoongi." Taehyung said feeling sad.

"It's not your fault that my mother died and that my father is a sh*t head," Yoongi said. They were sitting down under a tree in the cool grass.

"I know but still..." Taehyung said pouting. Yoongi saw him pout and couldn't help but think that he looks cute. Yoongi lays his head down on Taehyung lap making him blush slightly. It was perfect. Taehyung ran his finger through his hyung's hair and admired his features. "Yoongi?" Taehyung called. the older opened his eyes and peered up at Tae. "Why did you tell me all of that?" he asks.

"I'm not sure. There's just something comforting about you," he told the younger making his cheeks turn a faint pink. Yoongi likes making Tae blush and smile. Yoongi soon started to tickle the younger making him laugh.

"Yoongi,  stop! HAHAHA! stop! HAHA!" Laughter soon died when they notice the position they were in. Taehyung was on the ground, while Yoongi was on top of him pinning his hands down. Yoongi moved his face closer to the boy under him. Their eyes locked with each other, Taehyungs cheeks were red as Yoongi's breath was slightly fanning over his lips. They stayed like that for a while, just staring into each other's eyes. Yoongi was the first one to come back to reality. He let go of Taehyung and easy up off of him but Taehyung was still in a daze.

"Come on Taehyung. I'll take you home." Yoongi said as Taehyung sat up finally coming back to his senses.

"Um, okay but my things are still at school." he said.

"You can just get it tomorrow," Yoongi said as he got up off the grass and help the younger up.

" Yoongi, tomorrow is Saturday. I have weekend homework too."

"Well, we could sneak into the school," he suggested.

"No! It's fine. I'll just make up some lame excuse."

"Are you sure?" Taehyung nodded his head. They walk back to Yoongi's motorcycle, Taehyung gave the older his address and he drove him home.


Yoongi pulled up to the youngers house and luckily Taehyung had his keys on him. "Thanks, Yoongi hyung," Taehyung said. Yoongi was taken aback by the hyung part but he just shrugged it off.

"What are you thanking me for?" Yoongi ask.

"W-well...you drop me home and yo-you made today f-fun...for me." Taehyung cheeks were slightly red and Yoongi loved it. He got off his motorbike, walk towards the younger and put his arm around the youngers waist before pulling him close making Taehyungs cheeks glow red.

"Anything for you, kitten," he whispered in Taehyungs ear before letting go of him, smiling, and diving away on his motorcycle leaving younger there with red cheeks and his heart beating fast.

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Loving Me Quietly (Taegi au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن