Tae's Past (pt.2)

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"Today at 2:42 this morning,  a 16-year-old boy, Baekhyung, was found dead in the middle of the street. Police suspect that he was hit by a drunk driver. We will have to wait and find out."

The house was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the clock ticing. Taehyung had lock himself in his room. His dad was downstairs crying on the couch while his mom was at his door. "Taehyung? Sweetie, please open the door." Taehyung's mother was at the door begging for him to open, after about 10 or 15 minutes he opened the door and his mom engluf him in a big hug. " It's okay, you can let it all out, it wasn't your fault," she whispered in his ear before the boy broke down into millions of tears.


As time went on the house became even more quit. The cops didn't find the driver that hit Baekhyung and they closed the case. A month later the hosted Baehyung funeral. Everything change for Taehyung in just one night. His parents stop kissing and talking to each other and mom no longer gave him soft kisses. Everything had changed. Taehyung started to go the Ice cream parlor almost everytime he got his allowance. It was his way of remebering his borther nd escaping the quite hell he livied in but he soon stop going as he got older. He found ways to distract himself from the pain. He had a new best friend name Park Jimin and a couple years later he met his other best friend Jin but Taehyung never told them about Baekhyung.

Sorry that this is such a short chapter my lovelies but the next chapter will be longer. Thank you for all your love and support!

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