Tae's Past (pt.1)

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Taehyung age: 4 Baekhyung age: 14

"Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung get up or will be late." Taehyung opened his eyes to see his big brother smiling at him. He sat up in his bed and rub one of his eye with one of his small hands.

"Good morning hyung." He said in a soft sleepy voice.

"Good morning Taehyungie. Did you sleep well?" Taehyung nobs his head before stretching his arms out to his older brother. Baekhyung smiled at his brothers' cuteness and takes him in his arms before taking him to the bathroom. "Brush your teeth then get dress."


Taehyung brushes his teeth and got ready for the day before going down for his breakfast. "Good morning Taehyung." Taehyung's mom, Mrs.Kim, gave Taehyung a soft kiss on his forehead before putting his breakfast down. Taehyung and Baekhyung ate their breakfast while their mom prepared their lunch. Their dad walks down the stairs and greeted his boys and giving his wife a sweet kiss on her cheek before getting his stuff for work and leaving. Soon Taehyung and Beakhyung finish their breakfast, put on their shoes and getting in the back seat of their moms' car.


Baekhyung and Taehyungs brotherly bound was one of the strangest things. The two were always there for each other. One day Taehyung heard Baekhyung yelling downstairs. He ran out of his room and listen to the fight that his brother was having with his girlfriend.


Taehyung age: 6 Baekhyung: 16

"YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH MY BEST FRIEND! HOW COULD YOU?!" Baekhyung yelled at his girlfriend.

"OH PLEASE, DID YOU REALLY THINK I'D LOVE YOU?! I ONLY USED YOU TO GET TO HIM!" his girlfriend yelled back. Taehyung made his hands into fist. He knew that there was something off about his brothers' girlfriend but he never said anything.

"I GAVE YOU ALL MY LOVE!" His brother continues to yell.

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR LOVE! I care about your friend and what he has in his pants." she yelled.


"DUH! YOU TWO ARE SO PATHIC AND DUMB! Now, I have to go, I'm meeting up with your "best friend." The girl giggled before leaving the house. Baekhyung plops down on the couch. The house was silent. Taehyung came downstairs and stood in front of his crying brother. He put his tiny hands on his brothers' face and dried his tears.

"Don't cry hyungie. Let's go for Ice cream! I have a few dollars that mom gave me for doing choirs. Let's go get ice cream!" Taehyung smiled making Baekhyung smile through his tears. This was their thing. Whenever one of them was sad, mad, or just for fun, they would always go for ice cream. There was an ice cream parlor not far away from their house and it severed the best ice cream and the boys knew the owners too.

"Thanks, Taehyungie." 


Weeks went by and Baekhyung was still hung up on the break-up. He gave that girl all the love he could give to someone, only for her to play him. Baekhyung stop smiling, stop eating, stop talking, stop sleeping, and sometimes stop going to school. Taehyung tried to talk to his brother but he only pushes him away. Baekhyung started doing drugs, alcohol, and smoking. The Baekhyung that Taehyung once knew was gone. One night Taehyung woke up to the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Taehyung walks to the bathroom door and heard water running and someone, Baekhyung, crying. Luckily the bathroom door was open. Taehyung push the door open only to see his big brother on the floor crying. The faucet from the sink was running. There were a knife and red substance(Blood) all over the counter and even some on the floor. 

"Baekhyung..." Taehyung crept closer to his brother who was on the floor. He saw the cuts on his brother's wrist. " Your hurt! I'll go get mom and dad."

"DON'T!" Baekhyung yelled frighting the small boy. "Just Leave me alone Taehyung. I'll be fine." He said.


"LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!"Baekhyung yelled. Taehyung felt his eyes getting hot and watery but he didn't cry.

"I'm, I'm sorry hyungie," he said afraid of what might happen next.

"Just go," Baekhyung said calmer. It was the first time Baehyung had yelled at his younger brother. He never yelled at his younger brother, not even when he broke something or did something stupid. Baekhyung never yelled at him. It was a first. Taehyung left the bathroom and went back to his room but he didn't sleep. He stayed awake listing to his brother. Then Taehyung heard a door open and close. Taehyung ran out of his room. The bathroom lights were off but the front door wasn't locked anymore. Taehyung put on his shoes as fast as he could and ran outside only to see his brother...laying in the middle of the street...motionless.

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