Twenty Six.

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Justin's worry keeps him pacing for the remainder of the twenty minutes after his team had left for Maverick's until finally the time had passed and he's able to hop into the car and rush over to the Cooper household. Knocking on the door and waiting for it to reveal George.

"I need to speak to Maverick, sir." Justin tells him.

George nods once, moving out of Justin's way before closing the front door and standing off to the side to hear the conversation.

"Where the hell is she?" Justin asks, standing in front of Maverick.

"That's none of your damn business." Maverick argues.

"The hell if it's not." Justin argues, clenching his jaw before realizing something. "You don't know, do you?"

Maverick gulps. "I do."

"Oh yeah?" Justin asks, raising his brows. "Then why do you refuse to look me in the eyes?"

"Maverick." George speaks up, giving him a look.

"It's none of his damn business."

"Whether you like it or not, I'm with your sister." Justin interrupts, making Maverick look at him. "I don't give a shit if you approve, don't approve whatever. Hadlee is the first girl in my life who I've wanted to make myself better for. I love her whether you like it or not and I'm not letting her go unless I find a reason for it to be best. It is up to me. Not you. Now, tell me what the hell is going on."

"You need to tell him, Maverick." George speaks up again, taking a step forward.

"Dad-" Maverick starts, his jaw clenching.

"Hadlee's missing."

Justin turns, looking over to see Ryan had stood up.

Maverick turns around, his eyes widened along with everyone else in the room.

"What?" Justin asks, glancing around at everyone.

"Who the fuck are you to tell him?!" Maverick yells, starting to walk over.

Justin quickly cuts in, standing protectively in front of Ryan, Chaz, Caitlin and Rebecca. "Someone who clearly cares about her wellbeing." he snaps.

"I don't fucking need you to help find her. I can do it on my own." Maverick spat.

"Oh really?" Justin asks, raising his brows before looking to George. "How long has Hadlee been missing, sir?"

"Almost five days." he responds, making Maverick give him a look of disbelief.

"I could've found her in two hours." Justin replies while glaring at Maverick.

"Bullshit." Maverick responds immediately.

"Oh really?" Justin chuckles, walking over and grabbing his keys where he had dropped them on the table. Reaching for the keychain, he looks around at everyone. "If anyone would've included me, they'd know that after the first incident, I got worried about something happening again and got Hadlee a necklace made. It's connected to this keychain. We can communicate in one way. I can ask her if she's okay, she can answer. Or she can ask for help."

"Oh great, so we can find out if she's okay or not. How the fuck is that gonna help us find her?" Maverick growls.

"It also has a tracking device. If she's not okay, I can call Charlie and get him to track down her location." Justin spat.

"Oh, shit." Damon mumbles.

Maverick stays quiet.

"Told you." George speaks up, grabbing everyone's attention as he looks directly at Maverick. "I told you to include him."

Becoming Queen | A Justin Bieber FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora