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"Hello?" My voice is groggy as the phone call has awoken me from a comfortable slumber.

A small giggle comes from the other side of the line, allowing me to know who it is directly afterward. "Hadlee, it's Caitlin. I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"Oh, Caitlin, hi." I tell her, sitting up in bed to keep myself awake.

"I was thinking. Maybe we could come over to yours today? Hang out, watch some movies. Get to know each other?" she asks.

"Yeah, that would be great. I'll text you my address and a time. It's better when no one's here to try to stop me so whenever my brother leaves is best." I tell her.

She laughs lightly. "I get that. Just text me and we'll be there!"

"Okay, bye." I say, laughing lightly before hanging up and stretching to see it's almost ten. I didn't even realize I had been sleeping so long. But I suppose I needed it. Rising from my bed, I move to my bathroom, showering and dressing in a pair of jeans and a tee. Once dressed completely, I jog down the stairs and into the kitchen where Maverick sits with a bowl of cereal. "I thought you'd be gone to work by now."

He chuckles, nodding. "I'm about to leave. Why? Got somebody you don't want me meeting showing up?"

"Actually yes." I nod. "I have a couple people that I met last night at the party. Two girls and their boyfriends, well... I suppose they're coming. We're just gonna watch movies and chill in the living room. I didn't want you here to interrupt it."

He grins. "Fine. I'm headed out anyways. Have a good day, Hads."

"You too Mav." I say, grinning lightly.

He leaves the house and I hear the lock click as I pick up my phone, texting Caitlin my address and telling her they can come at any time.

Soon enough, almost immediately after I finish my bowl of cereal, the doorbell rings and I walk over quickly to open the door, revealing Caitlin, Rebecca, Ryan and some other guy who I assume is Chaz.


"You must be Hadlee." the guy says, grinning. "I'm Chaz."

I nod. "It's nice to meet you. Come in, all of you."

They do as I request, walking inside and looking around a little.

"Nice place." Caitlin says, grinning.

"Thanks. It's um, it's my dad's. I'm just visiting for the summer."

"Really?" Rebecca asks.

I nod, a light grin plastered on my lips.

"Caitlin told me that you helped me last night. Thank you."

"Oh! That was no problem." I tell her, shaking my head and laughing lightly.

After only a few seconds of silence, I take in a breath, shaking my head at my awkwardness. "I'll make popcorn, get a few other snacks together and then we'll get started. If you guys want, just look through the movies and pick a couple."

They nod, sitting on the couch and starting to scroll through movies on the tv. I, on the other hand, take myself to the kitchen and put popcorn in the microwave and grab a few other snack options from the pantry. I take the popcorn from the microwave, placing it in a couple bowls and adding butter and salt. Grabbing everything, I take it into the living room, setting everything on the table in front of the couch and turning to them.

Becoming Queen | A Justin Bieber FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang