Twenty Three.

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A few hours later, Justin makes his way downstairs, narrowing his eyes around the room before letting them land on Maverick.

"What?" Maverick spat, obviously worried about something.

"Why are you so edgy?" Justin asks, raising his brows.

"I'm not." Maverick rolls his eyes, leaning back against the couch awkwardly.

Justin stares at him for a moment before licking his lips. "Where's your sister?"

"What?" Maverick asks, giving him a look. "Why the hell would I tell you?"

"Because thanks to you we broke up and now she won't answer my calls so I'm unable to get my shit back from your place." Justin lies, playing it off perfectly as everyone's mouths drop.

Maverick shrugs, shifting awkwardly. "I don't know, she went out today."

Justin rolls his eyes, walking into the kitchen and licking his lips. One thing running through his mind. What the hell is going on?

Ignoring his old friends and blocking out the gang, Justin walks through the hallway and slams the front door after himself, knowing he has to find Hadlee for himself. Knowing they're lying to him.

*** Hadlee's POV | One Day Later ***

I haven't seen the man again. Keegan, I think. But my guess is that I'll be seeing him again shortly... more than likely actually. It's a definite. I also haven't seen Ben and Alex. I think maybe they got caught... or maybe they don't wanna get caught so they don't come too often. Whatever the case, I haven't seen them and it's been almost twenty four hours. I haven't drank much of my water for fear of two things. Drinking all of it and having to go to the restroom. That would be a nightmare.

Good news?

While lounging around in this empty room, aside from the small couch in the corner that appears to be broken, I found a small door in the wall behind the beat up couch. A door that could possibly lead me out of here. Why he thought it was a good idea to put me in the same room as the door is beside me, but hey, let it be his own stupidity.

I shrug at myself before my eyes widen.

Oh my god. I'm talking to myself. Well, not out loud. So that doesn't count, right? No I think it still counts. I hope not. Shit I'm doing it again. Too late now, it's gonna be a habit. Have I been doing this the whole time? Wait, am I saying this out loud?

I shake my head.

No. I'm not that out of it... yet. Hopefully I don't get there. If I do, someone just kill me. It would be better. Okay, back to the point. The door. I can get out of the door. I just can't do it now. If I do it now it won't work. It's been a couple hours since anyone has been in to check on me. Which means they'll be coming soon and I'll never get away with it. I have to wait. I can do that. I can wait.

As if my thoughts are some kind of cue, the door makes a few noises, indicating it's being unlocked before it swings open and none other than Keegan walks in, shutting the door behind himself.

"Hello, Hadlee." he starts, grinning cheesily over at me.

I lick my lips, standing with my arms crossed over my chest... which still seemed to ache by the way... I'm pretty sure he broke at least one rib yesterday.

"I have a question for you, Hadlee." he says, crossing his arms over his his chest and fixing his stance.

I say nothing, not wanting to cause any trouble.

"Do you know why you're here?" he asks, tilting his head mockingly.

I shake my head, whispering my response. "No."

"You, my dear," he pauses, pointing at me as if I'm a little kid. "Are here because your brother doesn't know how the hell to stay out of the way."

My brows furrow.

"Confused!" he yells, chuckling. "See, your brother is such an attention whore that he feels the need to overstep and attempt to do better and be noticed over who we call the king. Do you know who the king is, Hadlee?"

I open my mouth to reply, my head nodding as I try to get the words to come out.

"Good!" he exclaims. "Because the worst part is that it's your brother's best friend! How fucking selfish is that?!"

I open my mouth again, only to get cut off just like before.

"So, you, Hadlee, are here because I know your brother would do anything to get you back and I want him to resign from the gang. I want him to leave and never come back. You are my leverage. That's all you are to me. I'm not desperately in love with you. In fact, I despise you just for being associated with your brother. Sure, you didn't have a choice but that doesn't really matter." he says, shaking his head. "You're a sex toy and leverage... minus the sex toy considering you won't let me get close." he snarls, walking up and grabbing my face. "You'll never be anything else."

I push him, snatching my face out of his hand. "You're going to fucking regret laying a hand on me!" I scream.

"Of course you'd think that... you're his sister." he chuckles evilly, forcing my arms away from him and slamming me to the ground. "Learn how to fucking respect someone above you."

My breathing becomes heavy as I find myself struggling for air.

*** with Maverick ***

Tossing and turning in his bed, Maverick couldn't help but hear Justin's words ringing in his head.

"Because thanks to you we broke up and now she won't answer my calls so I'm unable to get my shit back from your place."

He finds himself happy with the fact that they've broken up but can't help but wonder if Justin would know how to find her.

Asking would be too risky. What if Justin got worried and they ended up getting back together because he asked for his help? He couldn't risk it. He wouldn't risk it.

His father was beyond upset when he learned his daughter had gone missing. Maverick hopes he doesn't reach out to Justin himself. What would happen if he did? It couldn't be good either way.

Whatever his thoughts, his head always turned back to the same question.

But what the hell was he going to do?

And the response that was always given?

Everything possible.


this is a super short chapter, so I apologize for that but it's also just a filler chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Let me know by voting or leaving a comment! 

stay tuned for the next chapter that'll be posted next week!

thank you for reading!

much love, 


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