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Spending half my Saturday packing and the other with the girls watching movies on the couch with pizza and junk food we didn't necessarily need, I fall asleep at almost midnight, cursing at myself for staying up so late.

Three hours later, the alarm yells in my ear, reminding me that I have no choice but to get up and board a plane to a place completely foreign to me.

A few knocks on my door later, my mother sticks her head inside, blinking a few times as she attempts to wake up too.

"Honey?" she calls softly. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah mom." I tell her, groaning and stretching.

"Alright, come on, we gotta leave in thirty minutes. It takes an hour to get to the airport. Your plane leaves at 5." she reminds me, not that I need a reminder.

"Okay." I sigh, forcing myself out of the bed, making it and going into my attached bathroom.

After using the toilet and brushing my teeth and hair, I throw the last things into my toiletry bag and place it inside the suitcase that carries a blanket and pillow that I use more than the others. The blanket is light but comfortable and the pillow is one that I use every night.

"Are all your bags ready?" Alejandro asks, entering the room after knocking.

"Uh, yeah, you can grab them, everything's right there." I tell him, pointing at the bags before reaching forward and grabbing my carry on. "Except this one."

He nods, grabbing two of the three and starting down the stairs with them.

My mother comes in a moment later, grabbing the last bag and carrying it down to help him.

As 3:30am rolls around, I climb into the passenger seat of the car after giving my step father a hug for the third time. My mother climbs in the driver's seat, putting the car in reverse and starting towards the airport.

"I know you're not too excited to be going, honey, but this'll be good for you. Maybe you need some time away from the girls too, y'know?" she says, trying to make a point.

"Yeah, sure." I reply, shrugging as I'm too tired to argue her point.

Arriving to the airport, my mother goes through security and luggage with me before we stand in the middle of the waiting area next to my boarding sight.

"Alright, I want you to text me when you get there. That way I know you're okay and that you found your dad. He'll be there to pick you up from the airport." she says, flattening my hair and placing my cheek in the palm of her hand. "I love you, okay?"

I nod. "I love you too."

"Okay, try to have some fun. And go easy on your dad. He's trying." she says.

I nod again, this time rolling my eyes.

She giggles, pulling my face close and kissing my cheek. "I love you baby."

"I love you too." I repeat, giving her a small smile and mumbling a bye as she walks away. Letting out a deep sigh, I plop down in one of the uncomfortable chairs, waiting until my flight is called.

After four and a half hours of attempting to sleep but having absolutely no luck, I climb off the plane with my carry on backpack sitting comfortably on my back. Immediately, I begin to look around, not sure if I'll even be able to recognize the man who helped create me.

Becoming Queen | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now