Twenty Two

141 6 2

***Hadlee's POV***

After sitting in the same room for what seems like days but I know is only hours, the door to the old room opens and two men dressed in black walk over, grabbing each of my arms.

"Ow!" I hiss. "What the fuck, dude?"

They lead, more like drag, me to a different room, taking two pairs of handcuffs and harshly attaching them to my wrists and the chair that they sat me in.

Okay, what the hell is about to happen?

Soon, a man walks into the room... a man I've never met or seen in my life.

"Hello Hadlee." He says, smirking at me.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask, my face scrunching up. "And how the fuck do you know me?"

"Of course, of course." He nods, pacing. "The name's Keegan. And you are Maverick's sister. Am I wrong?"

I gulp. "No."

He nods. "Right. So, don't worry. I don't plan to kill you." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes.

What the hell?

A sharp smack echoes throughout the room and my cheek burns from the sudden contact.

"Don't fucking disrespect." Keegan growls.

"Only a fucking coward hits a girl." I spat, not backing down.

Next thing I know, my head is tugged backwards, my hair wrapped in his hand. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

I groan in pain, my teeth grinding against one another.

"Don't disrespect me." he says, roughly letting go of my hair before reaching in his pocket and taking out a pocket knife, opening it with a click.

I gulp, knowing what comes next.

He walks over, taking off the handcuffs with a key and drags me over to a beaten up, broken couch in the corner, throwing me down causing my back to hit the metal part in the middle.

I hiss in pain, refraining from cussing out loud as I hold my breath for a few seconds.

As his leg lifts and lands on the opposite side of my body, my breath hitches in my throat as I realize his plans. I force myself to breathe, exhaling shakily.

"Please." I force out, shaking my head at him. "Don't."

"Shut up." he spat, lifting the knife to my face, causing my eyes to squeeze shut.

"Please." I find myself whispering, my mouth refusing to stay closed.

He groans, lifting himself and bringing the knife swiftly to my neck, creating a thin cut and causing me to scream. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" he asks, throwing a punch.

I gasp, feeling the harsh pain in my side. What the fuck?

The door to the room opens quickly, notifying the man above me of something although I can't understand, the pain in my side and the blood dripping from my neck all too distracting.

"Take the slut back to her room." the man gruffs, hurriedly walking past him.

The guy peeks around the corner before calling out to someone who walks over and they both look over at me before whispering some more. Then, the first guy leads the other over and offers me both of his hands.

I grab one hesitantly before trying to get up and hissing as my other hand swings around and grabs his second offered hand. I put all my pressure on them, getting up and adjusting my weight on my feet.

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