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Only a day has passed since I found the note Justin had left for me. Everyone is home considering it's Saturday and Maverick had told us before he left to expect Justin to arrive only shortly before he'll be home. That being said, I currently sit on the couch while my father, Annabell and Reece are in the backyard. My leg bobs to an unknown rhythm as I wait impatiently for Justin to arrive. I plan to talk to him. Confront him. I want to. I need to. I've been sitting here for nearly an hour and can't seem to guess when he'll show although I'm hoping wholeheartedly it's soon. I'm bored and don't know how much longer I can stand to wait for him to walk through the front door. As if on cue, the front door opens and shuts, causing my body to rise and my hand to wrap around his wrist pulling him up the stairs and into my room before slamming the door shut and facing him.

"What the hell was that note about?!" I exclaim.

"Hello to you too, Hadlee." he says, chuckling.

"Justin." I start, giving him a 'answer the question' look. "What was the note about?"

"I don't like your tone." he shrugs, a smirk playing on his naturally pink lips.

"Hi Justin." I say, knowing it's the only way I'll get an answer. "Now answer the question."

He chuckles. "I thought it was self explanatory."

I roll my eyes. "I don't mean what did the note I mean, I mean why did you give it to me."

His smirk never leaves his lips, despite his attempt to wet them. "Well, as I said before, I think you're cute. Plus, I wanted to know my best friend's mysterious little sister better."

"Then why do I feel as if there's an alternative motive?" I ask, my lips pressed into a firm line.

"I don't know." he shrugs, inching closer until I'm pressed against the wall. "You tell me."

Gulping, my eyes stare into his and I find myself nervous, unable to think of what to say in return.

Justin moves closer, so close that I can now feel his breath. "Why do I want to kiss you?" he whispers.

Finally, my brain comes up with my next come back although a smirk doesn't appear on my lips the way I had planned. "That's something to ask yourself, don't you think?"

Footsteps increase in volume as someone comes up the stairs, making Justin back away from me and I to take a step away from the wall. Soon, my door opens and Maverick enters, looking back and forth between us with an expression of suspicion.

"What's going on?" he asks, his brows furrowed before looking at Justin. "Why are you in here?"

"I asked him to come talk to me." I butt in, licking my lips. "I um, I've been really bored and was hoping Justin knew some people that I might be able to be friends with. Seeing as I don't know anyone around here."

Maverick looks at me, cautiously nodding. "Oh..." he licks his lips before moving his attention to Justin. "Xbox?"

Justin nods, glancing at me once more. "I'm sorry I don't know anyone."

I nod, looking down.

They leave the room and after waiting a few minutes, I open the drawer to my bedside table, grabbing the slip of paper and dialing the number into my phone before sending a text to Justin. Still want to get to know me?

Becoming Queen | A Justin Bieber FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now