Chapter VII: Honey Moon.

Start from the beginning

Clementine got up and unlocked the door for him. I'm assuming he was waiting for a response because as soon as she opened the door, he fell into the room. " Well, you could've told me you were opening the door. " He groaned. I pulled him up and shook my head. "You okay? " I snickered, trying to laugh without him noticing. " Okay, you can laugh, because that was a jack ass move." He nodded his head with a half of a smile. "Just like everything else you do? " I asked jokingly, making Clementine and I laugh. " Nice burn. " Louis smirked and got up off of the floor. "I'm hungry, for real guys, come on." Sophie leaned in the doorway with a chuckle. We walked out into the hallway and down to the elevator. 

As we waited for the elevator, I decided to come up with some small talk. "What room are you guys in? " I ask Louis with curiosity. " Right next door. No complaints about noise, we've got soundproof walls and the beds are sturdy, just letting you know. I know you guys can be a little noisy at times. " Louis winked at us. Clementines face was flushed. Her cheeks turned a bright red and she rolled her eyes, trying to pretend she was annoyed, meanwhile, I was smirking. The elevator rang, announcing its arrival. We all stepped on and rode down to the lobby. Yet another phobia I had, besides airplanes and heights. Clementine held my hand through the ride to make me feel safe. I love how she treats me like a kid at times but knows I'm still an adult. She babies me... A lot, but it's something that shows she loves me as much as I love her.

While we walked to the car, a conversation was made as usual. " What do you have planned for today? " Sophie asked, probably hoping we'd have the same thing planned. " Grab something to eat and go sit on the beach. Maybe some surfing. Just know, it'll be fun. " I smiled at her with excitement. " Eating and the beach was on our agenda already. But surfing? " She looked at Clementine with an eyebrow raised. " Yeah, it's been a while though. The last time we went surfing, I was like... 15. It's been 12 going on 13 years since I last went surfing." She looked disappointed but happy at the same time. " I used to surf too! Well, in my dreams. It was fun." Louis added in out of nowhere. " I'm not surprised you said something like that. I really was expecting it." I snickered. "We have arrived at our destination. " Louis pointed to the car with a smile. As usual, I opened the door for Clementine and climbed in the car behind her. Sophie sat in the front seat this time because the bags weren't in her way anymore. 

"Can we put on some music?" I asked Louis, showing my boredom. "Sure, go right ahead." He shrugged as he kept his eyes on the road. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and looked at Clem and Sophie back and forth. "Suggestions? " I raised an eyebrow at them. "Doesn't matter. " Sophie replied nonchalantly. " Take us back. " Clem responded with a bit of excitement. "Alright then." I turned on the song in a jiffy. All I could notice was the sadness the song brought to Clementine's eyes. It made them dull and low. Like she'd lost her pet and it made me worry. I looked over at her again and scooted over into the middle seat. I took her hand and held it in mines and looked her in her eyes. "I love you." I kissed her gently, wanting to make her feel better. " I love you too. " She smiled and it was like her eyes had been filled with joy once more, just a little hint of it.

" What do you guys wanna eat? " Louis pulled up in the drive-thru. " You know what I want. " I stated confidently. " Clem? Sophie? " Louis looked back at them in confusion. " Um, let me see," Sophie said looking at the menu. " I'll take a number.... 4 and some nuggets." Sophie seemed like she had her mind made up. "I just want a twenty piece nugget. I'm starving but I probably won't even eat all of them." She looks at me with a smirk, knowing I can't refuse chicken nuggets, especially when it's Mc Donalds. Louis ordered the food and stared at the steering wheel. "Sophie?" He looked at her with worried eyes. " Yes?" She replied, looking up from her phone. "Are you alright? You've just been... acting kinda weird lately. Are you stressed or something? You've been sleeping a lot more, eating a lot more, been a lot more emotional... All of it just makes me think you aren't happy. That's some major signs of depression." He stuttered through his explanation. "Louis, you're serious? That's major signs of pregnancy too! " I said, realizing what could be happening. His eyes grew wide and he looked at Sophie. " Violet isn't wrong." She smiled back at him then realized the cars behind him were honking. "Oh my goodness, congratulations! " Clementine cheered from the back seat along with me. Louis pulled up to the second window happily. He received the food and handed it out to us. "Guess what... Gwen!" he read the employee's name tag. " My girlfriend is pregnant! " He exclaimed, making her chuckle out a "Congrats.". Sophie seemed surprised to see him this happy.

The car ride back was full of excitement and so many ideas of baby names and ideas about baby rooms. Then it hit me. What if Clem and I adopted? It would be so cool. I mean, we're getting old, so why not? Or maybe Clem would want to carry? I don't know. Maybe it's the excitement talking. I want to talk to her later on tonight though. I'm really recommending it.


**Clementine's POV**

Louis and Sophie returned to their room as well as me and Violet. The minute we got in, we laid down. I checked the time; 7:46. It was late enough to go sit on the sand and watch the sunset, too late to swim. But the perfect time to admire every aspect of the place we're at. Just watch the sunset, the trees blow in the wind, the big leaves waving at us, the waves crashing... Everything would be perfect. Just like how we want it to. I wanna do something a little extra later on tonight too. I planned this whole trip out in my head without even knowing what Hawaii looked like. I just knew it would be amazing and it is. 

"Wanna know something? " Vi asked me as she pulled me closer to lay on my chest. "What?" I said as I adjusted my body to get comfortable. " I love you, with all my heart. I wish I could marry you again." She sighed, remembering the day she watched me walk down the aisle. That day was terrifying for me. I swore up and down I was going to fall or just plain embarrass myself. But I got lucky and that didn't happen. "I love you even more. But that day... It was terrifying. Oh my goodness. " I chuckled at the thought of it. "You were scared shitless. I saw it all over your face, but you were beautiful at the same time. You made me fall in love with you all over again." She pushed herself up with her arms and hovered over me, looking into my eyes. "Imagine how I felt when I saw you. You looked so... perfect. I could barely breathe. Every time you kiss me, I feel my heart skip a beat." I gazed into her eyes with a loving smile. She leaned in and kissed me softly, making my insides warm and my arms covered with goosebumps. 

I continue to look into her eyes after but we were interrupted but Louis, yet again, knocking on the door with enthusiasm. Violet scoffed and opened the door for him. Louis and Sophie walked in with the brightest smiles you would have ever seen. "You guys ready already?" Violet looked them up and down and noticed they put on some more comfortable clothes. "Yeah, but you guys aren't so I guess we'll... wait in the hall. Come out when you're ready, the beach is literally right across the street. " Sophie informed us. She walked out and turned around, looking at Louis. "I'll be right out. I wanna talk to Violet first. " He looked at me and awkwardly smiled, meaning he wanted some privacy. "I'll let you two talk and I'll go get ready. " I shrugged and got my stuff together and headed to the bathroom. "I love you Clem, and thanks... I'll get ready right after you." Violet smiled at me right before I walked into the bathroom. "Yeah, thank you, Clem, I truly appreciate it."  Louis scratched the back of his head but showed some sort of smile. " I love you too. I'll be in and out. No problem Louis. " I shut the door behind me. I took my time. I didn't rush them and by the time I was out, Louis was walking out of the door and Violet was standing in front of the bathroom door with her clothes in her hand. "Told you I'd be in and out." I joked. "Nah, you took approximately... 4 minutes. " She checked her watch as if she'd been keeping track of time. " Yeah, okay. Hurry up slowpoke, I'm ready to go." I guided her into the bathroom and shut the door for her with a smile on my face. 


Just know, next chapter will be Fucking AMAZING. I love you guys, honestly. I'll be updating my other story tomorrow. Lemons will most likely be in both stories next chapter. If not, then it definitely will be in this one.

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