Chapter VI: Vows (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

 "Hey Violet, hey Clem. Come on in. It's good to see you!" Lee unlocked the door for us. "Carley, They're here! " Lee yelled up the steps. "I'll be down soon. " Carley yelled back down in response. "How are you guys doing? " He reached his arms out and wrapped us in them. Yes, he's a hugger. " We're doing great, and uh, we got some... great news for you. " A smile worked its way onto Violet's face. " Once we sit down, you can yap all you want. " Lee gently sat his body on the sofa in the living room. I sat right next to Lee and Violet sat next to me.

**Violet's POV**

I'm about to tell him and honestly, I'm kinda shook. My hands started shaking again and I took deep breaths to treat them. " Violet, you okay over there?"  Lee asked with concern. "No, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. " I unconvincingly answer. " We've got something to tell you actually. " Clem smiled at him. " Is... Is something... wrong? " Lee asked hesitantly, hoping he wouldn't hear any bad news. Clementine showed her ring to her father. He gasped with excitement. " Carley! Come look at this. " He jumped up and walked over to the steps to make sure she heard him. She jolted down the steps with her heart racing and ran over to the couch. "What's wrong? " She seemed panicky. " We got engaged. " I pumped up my enthusiasm. " Oh my god! Congrats! " She cheered and hugged us together. " Thanks. " I smiled and hugged her back. "I'm so proud of you guys. " Carley stated as she admired the ring. Lee started to cry with tears of joy. " My baby is all grown up. I remember when you first moved here, I knew you were gonna do great in life. Twenty-eight and engaged to a wonderful woman. I love you guys so much. " He hugged us right along with Carley. " We love you too. " I reciprocated feelings with him. "But there's something else I wanna talk about with you. " I separate myself from the hug and sit down on the sofa. "What's up? " Lee asked as they sat down on the sofa.

" Well, I just wanna thank you. " I twiddle my fingers and look down at them. "For what? " Lee tilted his head with curiosity. " For taking me in and treating me like I'm one of your own and accepting me for who I am. My parents never really loved me... but you did and now I can't imagine what life would be like if I'd never met Clem... I love you guys. " I whispered to them with tears making me choke on my words. " We love you too. And I'm sorry that your parents were never there for you like how they were supposed to be. Just because they don't agree with your sexuality, doesn't mean they have the right to kick you out and treat you as if you don't exist. Just know we'll always love you and we'll always treat you as if you're one of our own. You're apart of this family. Ever since we met you, we knew you and her were gonna get together." Lee replied deeply, making me feel happy inside. " How'd you know? Was it that obvious that I liked her? " I look at Clementine while I ask Lee and watch her face turn red as she smiled. " The way you looked at her made everything obvious. You guys were asleep on the couch and you had her wrapped up in your arms and she looked so peaceful, usually, her face would be frowned up and she would grumble in her sleep, but with you, she lays there like an angel. You make her happy and she does the same for you. " Carley described our relationship before we were even in a relationship perfectly. I'm surprised. " When's the wedding? " Lee asked the perfect question. 

"Uh, we gotta plan all of this out later on tonight or sometime tomorrow. I'm thinking... Around, maybe Christmas or new years eve or whatever Clem comes up with. " I find myself smiling uncontrollably. "Christmas! Let's do around Christmas. " Clementine said with eager. " Sometime around Christmas. " I turn to Lee and inform him playfully as if he hadn't heard her, causing him to chuckle. " Little love birds. It's getting later, I'm sorry to cut the celebration short, but we've gotta get ready for bed soon. We're a lot older than you spring chickens. " Lee stood up and walked over to the door with us following. " I love you. " Clementine whispered while she hugged him. " I love you, Carley. " Clementine hugged her. "We love you too munchkin. " Carley responded happily to Clementine. Just as I was about to walk away with a dry wave, Lee pulled me in for a hug that included Carley. " We love you. Nobody gets left out. " Lee said as he rocked me in his arms. " I love you guys too. See you later. " I separated myself and jogged over to Clementine's door and opened it for her, catching a look of approval from Lee. "Thank you, good sir. " Clementine bowed her head at me and climbed in the car making me roll my eyes and chuckle. " Any day m'lady. " I bow back after I climb in the car with her, making her smile. 

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