Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)

Start from the beginning

Cut to a classroom where the New Directions are performing 'We Need a Little Christmas' from Mame where the students look less than thrilled.

"Haul out the holly put up the tree before my spirit falls again. Fill up the stocking I may be rushing things but deck the halls again now," Mercedes sang on lead. "YOU SUCK," one girl called out. "Seriously who goes caroling with a band?" a guy asked. "I'd seriously rather be learning," another girl said. "For we need a little Christmas," the New Directions sang trying not to get discouraged. "You're making me hate Christmas," another guy called out. "Right this very minutes. Candles in the wind-," the New Directions sang as the teacher threw a shoe at them as they all ran off. The students screamed at the New Directions as they left and headed to the choir room.

Cut back to the choir room where the New Directions are decorating the tree. "I can't believe that that teacher let those students speak to us like that," Rachel huffed. "I can't believe she threw her shoe at us," Puck agreed. "I guess we're done caroling," Tina huffed as she put the stringed popcorn on the tree. "No, we're not. Guys, we can't let what just happened ruin our Christmas spirit. Mr. Schue got us this beautiful tree to inspire us. We're gonna practice now and gear up for round two tomorrow," Finn said as the others looked at him not sure he was right. "Pretty soon, no one will bully us," Brittany said as the others looked at her confused what did she mean? "Santa Claus can do anything and this year I asked for the Glee Club to stop getting picked on." "She's kidding, right?" Lauren said as she continued to eat the popcorn. "Guys, this is serious. Listen up," Artie whispered as the other members of the New Directions followed him. "Brittany still believes in Santa Claus," he whispered to them. "You cannot be serious," Mercedes said bewildered. "Last week, Brittany believed a comb had magic powers. This is kind of a pattern," Sam whispered. "She's gonna find out sooner or later," Quinn agreed. As Rachel decided to take this opportunity to talk to Finn. "Would you mind meeting me at the auditorium tomorrow at 4:00?" Rachel whispered to Finn "Sure," Finn said nodding.

"Okay. Somebody needs to break the news to her," Lauren said as all eyes went on Puck. "Don't look at me. I'm cruel and all, but that's just hard-core," Puck said shaking his head. "Right? That's my point," Artie agreed "Hear me out. Remember when you were a kid, how excited you would get when you would think about Santa Claus, how awesome it was? Christmas was the highlight of the year. Why wouldn't you wanna keep someone's world magical for a little while longer?" Artie explained as the others looked puzzled. "How?" Mike asked. "I've got it all figured out," Artie smiled as the New Directions all looked at Brittany who smiled back at them happy as can be.

Cut to Artie taking Brittany to the Mall to see Santa. "Can I be honest?" Brittany asked the lady working as the elf as she crouched down "I don't understand the difference between an elf and a slave." "I'm not sitting on that guy's lap. Santas' laps are always really warm, and it's creepy," Quinn said as Lauren nodded to agree. "We all have to sit on Santa's lap. If Brittany sees that we all still believe it'll make her strong enough to withstand all the Santa naysayers in the world," Artie assured them. "Which is everyone over the age of six," Sam said. "I'm pretty sure this isn't gonna work. That guy doesn't even look like Santa," Tina said. "Trust me. All Brittany's gonna see is the suit. She wants to believe in him," Artie said as Santana rolled her eyes. "Seriously this was your bright idea wheels?" Santana said. "What? Like you have a better idea," Artie said. "Actually I do. I'll be back in 5," Santana smirked as she sauntered off leaving the rest of them waiting in line to talk to Santa.

"Next," the elf called. "Just know, you have rights," Brittany whispered to the elf as she made her way up to Santa. "Ho, ho, ho. What's your name?" Santa asked. "Brittany," Brittany grinned "You've gotten really tan." "That's because at the North Pole, there's a hole in the ozone," Santa joked. "You're amazing," Brittany said excitedly "I know you're really busy, so I only want one thing for Christmas. Do you see my boyfriend over there?" Brittany asked pointing Artie out to Santa as he waved. "For Christmas, I want him to be able to walk. You can do that, can't you, Santa?" Brittany asked as Artie profusely shook his head no to Santa. "Sure. I'm on it," Santa told Brittany. "Thank you so much, Santa," Brittany grinned hugging Santa. "Now we're screwed," Artie said nervously as just then Santana walked down the halls in a very cute Santa dress as many guys stopped and stared at her, she even got Brittany's attention who applauded Santana's wardrobe. 

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