Chapter I: Ericson University.

Start from the beginning

The moment I pulled up in front of the school, the big metal gate and brick walls caught my attention. It was beautiful. The sun peaked over the walls and it was just amazing. I turned my engine off and grabbed my bookbag. Locking the car door, I was still staring at the beautiful sight in front of me. I walked into the gate with the rest of the students. I looked at everyone, studying their behavior and their looks. I wasn't even paying attention to what was in front of me as I texted Lee.

"I'm here, and it's really really nice."

"Alright sweetpea, enjoy your day and be safe. Love you."

"I will, I love you too."

I bumped into someone. A boy with golden hair and blue eyes. A mullet...? on top of his head and a few freckles here and there. "Oh shit, s- sorry. " I muttered out. He crouched down and picked his books up and stuck them in his bag. "It's alright, I wasn't paying attention either." He said with a chuckle. "My names Marlon." He reached his hand out. "Clementine." I said, shaking his hand. "I remember you from orientation...I've got a whole group of friends here. We all got lucky as hell and graduated and got accepted into the same school. I have no idea how they did, but I'm here on a football scholarship. How 'bout you meet em at lunch?" He made an offer that would be hard to decline. "Fine by me. As long as their cool, I won't have an issue with them." I shrugged my shoulders. "What's your first period?" He asked eagerly. "Ummm..." I said, peering over my schedule. "Science." I actually like science. "Well, we better get a move on. Class starts in five minutes and we aren't even to the building yet. Correction, 4 minutes!" He said as he jogged towards the school with me following. 

He looked back at me as if he was surprised. "What?" I asked stepping up to the step, entering the school, compared to him, out of breath and drained. "How the hell are you not tired?" He placed his hands on his knees and hunched over. "I play soccer and lacrosse, I run, to whereas you play football and just ram into other people like a rhino. We do more cardio I guess." His eyes lit up when I said those words. "You play sports! Finally, I have a friend to be competitive with." He exclaimed happily. "Oh, yeah, I'm very competitive." I pulled out my phone to check the time, "Oh shit, come on Marlon, we've got a minute to get to class." We ran up the steps and into the classroom right as the bell rung. Marlon's heavy breathing caught the teacher attention. A small white lady with a nice figure greeted us. "Take a seat so we can get started." She said with a smile. 

Marlon and I sat next to each other at a desk with 2 other kids. Marlon leaned over and whispered ton the group, "That's Mitch, and that's Omar. There's still more of em to meet bu-" " Excuse me, kind sir, what is your name?" The teacher cut him off. "It's Marlon. How about you?" He said charmingly, causing her to smile. "Ms. Martin. Now would you and your friend please give me your undivided attention." She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, ma'am." He looked her up and down. I chuckled quietly and caught his attention. "What? She's cute." He said in an oblivious manner. " She's also a teacher." I said looking back up at Ms. Martin who was introducing herself.

"Hello class, I'm Ms. Martin, I plan on being your science teacher for the year..." She looked at Marlon and smirked. Was she really going to fall for that corny stunt he just pulled? "See, she digs it." He whispered to me with a cocky tone in his voice. Marlon isn't the brightest so, I think I see how he graduated AND got accepted. I faced my attention back to her. "And I actually graduated from here, not that long ago. I'm only 24 and I'm sure most of you are about 18 or 19, legal age." She looked at Marlon once more. "Which means, your all adults and are fully responsible for every decision you make. Please be responsible and..." I felt Omar tap me and I looked at him. "What's up?" I asked him, not knowing any reason he would tap me. "What's your name?" He asked leaning his elbows on the table. "Clementine. You can call me Clem, I really don't care." I responded nonchalantly, turning my attention back to the teacher who kept rambling on and on about herself and had Marlon stuck. "And you can go to your next class early. I'm done for today, Get a move on." As we were just about to leave the class, she grabbed Marlon by the bookbag he was wearing and said, "We need to talk for a minute." I continued walking and met up with Mitch and Omar.

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