32) Cheggie (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Chuck ignores the comment and leans over to try and get some chips that were sitting between them, right beside Reggie.

Reggie turns on the TV and opens the Netflix app. "Anything specific that you want to watch?" he asks.

"Not exactly. Is there anything specific that you want to watch?" Chuck asks him.

"No, lets see what there is. Ooh, have you seen Black Panther yet?" Reggie asks.

"Yeah, I saw it when it was showing at the Bijou," Chuck replies.

"Okay, what about this new movie called To All The Boys I've Loved Before. It's really good," Reggie suggests.

"I haven't seen it yet, what's it about?"

"It's basically just a typical teen romcom but it's really good," Reggie explains.

"Sure, why not. Let's watch it," Chuck says and Reggie clicks on it.

Chuck subtlety moved a few inches closer to Reggie every few minutes, pretending to be reaching for the chips.

Half way through the movie Chuck and Reggie reached their hands down at the same time to grab a chip.

"Go ahead," Chuck says.

Reggie grabs a chip. "How'd you get so close?" he laughs, seeing how Chuck was only about 6 inches away now.

"I wanted to be able to reach the chips," Chuck says unconvincingly.

"Right," Reggie says as he rolls up the bag of chips and sets them on the floor.

They sat there for a few more minutes, watching the movie. Reggie rested his hand on the couch beside his leg. Chuck noticed how close Reggie's hand was to his and he slowly, inched his hand towards Reggie's until the back of their hands were touching.

Reggie noticed what he was doing and he slid his hand under Chuck's. They intertwined their fingers and sat there for a second before looking over at each other.

Reggie looked at Chuck's lips and Chuck looked at his. Chuck leaned in, waiting for Reggie to respond. Reggie slowly moved his head closer to Chuck's and their lips collided.

After a second, they separated.

"I thought we weren't allowed to kiss," Chuck laughs.

"Yeah, I changed my mind," Reggie says with a smirk.

"What does this all mean?" Chuck asks.

"What do you want it to mean?"  Reggie replies with another question.

"I— I don't know," Chuck responds, sounding unsure.

"Well, I'll tell you what I want it mean," Reggie says. "I personally would love to be in a relationship with you. Even though you seem unsure of what you want right now, I'm more than willing to take that chance."

"I'm not unsure of what I want," Chuck says. "In fact, I'm 100% sure of what I want."

"And what exactly do you want?" Reggie questions.

Chuck smiles. "You."

Without hesitation, Reggie leans in and kisses him.

"Wait," Chuck says, pulling away from the kiss.

"What?" Reggie asks.

"Not to bring up issues but how are we going to be in a relationship if we have to hide it?" Chuck asks.

"Who said that we have to hide it. If anyone has a problem with us together they can learn to deal with it."

"I'm just scared, I guess," Chuck says.

"Scared of what?" Reggie asks softly.

"My dad," Chuck says. "The football team."

"Listen, I know it's scary. Probably more so for you, mostly because I don't care what people think, but I wouldn't worry about the football team. You got me and Archie for sure and most likely Moose because only god knows what he and Keller do in their spare time together. Apart from the football team I'm sure you would have Cheryl, Toni, Fangs, Kevin, and maybe Veronica. She's iffy because you were kind of an asshole to her," Reggie says the last part with a shrug.

"Fair enough," Chuck says. "But what am I going to do about my dad. I can't tell him."

"You can if you want to but you don't have to. If you decide to I can come with you or if you want to do it by yourself and things go wrong I'll have your back, okay?"

"Thanks," Chuck sighs. "I should get going. It's getting late."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then?" Reggie says as they both stand up.

"Yeah, See you tomorrow."

They walk over to the door and Chuck puts on his jacket and opens the door to leave, the cold autumn air brushes their faces.

Chuck places a soft kiss on Reggie's lips.

"Bye," Chuck says after they separate.

"Bye," Reggie says with a smile as he shuts the door, embracing the warm air inside.


Y'all I actually don't hate this. Like this is HELLA cute and if you want a part 3 well then you're in luck because ya girl is gonna make one.

I actually think that it might be a good idea to make some separate books for these one shots so that I don't have to continue making multiple parts to stories. Like this one, Cheronica, Joavin, Kangs, and Mevin. If you like that idea let me know.

I'm posting this early because I was procrastinating on writing the Mevin one by writing this one but I finally got the Mevin one done and I don't hate it. I like to think that I actually did a good job on it.

Anyway, I love you all and if you ever need anything just let me know. Whether it's advice or if you just need someone to talk to about anything, I'm here and I'm up for most hours of the day and night so just shoot me a message on here if you want. Have an absolutely wonderful day❤️

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